Join local scumbag Dee, and renowned kommunist A.J. on a sadistic adventure through time. A comical discussion on unusual, unethical, and unfortunate events. Weird deaths? Check. Disease? Check. Nazis? Check. And lots of cannibalism.
This week Dee double downs on Small-E Biggs, the first Austrian man we have discussed on this show that didn't lead to a genocide! Our Website The Store Insta Reddit Patreon
PP returns strong with death and misfortune in our 8th season premiere! Code: SEASON8 for 15% off new patrons this month until January 31st! Our Website The Store Insta Reddit Patreon
Aj ends the season with a tale involving CIA coups, american corporations, and genocide in a cheery send off in our final episode of the season! Thank you all for a great season! See you January 6th!
I don't care that it isn't thanksgiving yet, my wife doesn't let me do anything christmas until after thanksgiving but she can't control me here. Our Website The Store Insta Reddit Patreon
Dee laments back to his high school days on the island of Halifax and how he lost his virginity and AJ is just happy we are talking about boats back to back. And trains make an appearance. Our Website The Store Insta Reddit …
Pressure Points discussed Cargo Cults in S5E12 - Cargo Cults - listen now!
Cargo cults are a fascinating and complex phenomenon that emerged in Melanesia in the early 20th century. These movements are characterized by a belief in the imminent arriv…
Pressure Points discussed God's Rambo in S5E26 - God’s Rambo and the Ghost Camaro - listen now!
Amid war and chaos, some rise above the fray to bring light to the darkness. One such hero is Helge Meyer, God's Rambo, and his trusty companion, …
Pressure Points discussed The Littlest Skyscraper in S5E43 - The Curse of the Wichita Falls' Skyscraper - listen now!
The city of Wichita Falls, Texas, is home to a unique and fascinating piece of architecture known as the "World's Littlest Skyscra…