Aug. 8, 2022

S5E26 - God’s Rambo and the Ghost Camaro

S5E26 - God’s Rambo and the Ghost Camaro
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S5E26 - God’s Rambo and the Ghost Camaro

Evidence on today's episode that one christian helps someone of a different religion without expectations. Dee finally takes on his white whale, and Alex Jones joins us in studio to apologize to parents of Sandy Hook.
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Evidence on today's episode that one christian helps someone of a different religion without expectations. Dee finally takes on his white whale, and Alex Jones joins us in studio to apologize to parents of Sandy Hook.




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Music Credit: SUNDANCE Track Name: "Perséphone - Retro Funky (SUNDANCE remix)" 

Music By: SUNDANCE @ 

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License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)