Dec. 6, 2022

S5E43 - The Curse of the Wichita Falls’ Skyscraper

S5E43 - The Curse of the Wichita Falls’ Skyscraper
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S5E43 - The Curse of the Wichita Falls’ Skyscraper

Dee tells the story of America's most important historical monuments. Sorry we were late. This is another fantastic example of a perfectly honest oil tycoon!
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Dee tells the story of America's most important historical monuments. Sorry we were late. This is another fantastic example of a perfectly honest oil tycoon!




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I don't got time to mark this motherfucker. Here we go again. We can't hear anybody. Nobody can talk to anybody
You guessed it pressure points with your two favorite hosts
I'm D and this is writing sins not tragedies AJ. We're coming at you a season 6 episode 3
Hotel Polsky and the ballerina of Auschwitz. It's a long fucking title, but it's gonna be a short sweet episode
Find us in its gram at points. Oh pressure
Well turn the fucking thing off you dumbass I was hoping you'd integrate that in
Yes, it definitely sounds like a panic at the disco
rest in peace
Shit. All right, so a little bit of background with this because I'm just gonna jump right into oh you're going straight
I'm going straight into it. I mean just for this for the exposition, I guess I don't know
these two events that I'll be talking about I
Have had in my notes to do an episode on since season 1 I was going to do it in season 1
I'm glad I didn't because I feel like I my research and storytelling capabilities for both of us have increased
Tenfold so I'm glad I saved this one because I know to kind of agree with you better
I have a friend that's going like he just learned that I had a podcast
Like two weeks ago, so he's been listening through it and he's like, oh
like this is such a like this is so cool apparently
White walkers. Oh, yeah the pale walkers pale walkers. Yeah, sorry Game of Thrones reference
It's a fun one. So the pale walkers one
He was like he fucking hates the paranormal stuff because it scares the shit out of good. Yeah, and I'll do a paranormal
I was I go dude. You have no idea. We got some fucking spooky ones coming up
Yeah, just wait for those possession ones like goddamn
Dude black eyed children that one's pretty good. I'd peace children
Yeah, let's get it started. Yeah, he'll he'll talk about so he was like, oh, yeah
I really like the voices thing that you do at the start and I was like, well don't get fucking used to it because it
Was so cringy. I
Outed that one as soon as I realized it back. He was a see started
Yes season one and then he's gonna catch up damn you learn and then go back. No, he's
Mind you this is the same guy that got me into one piece and he's like watch every episode
I told him I was like you can skip season one and he was like D
Like you know how I am with anime and I was like, yes true
He's like I will listen to every single one of these like
No, I'm not complaining but yeah, if you decide to go back and listen to a backlog just skip season one
I mean there there are a couple good episodes
Yeah, we weren't as good
Audio shit feel like season two. We really just the difference is crazy
But we also did some episodes in season one that oh, yeah still refer back to like very we were
Accidentally really smart on doing some foundational episodes there's first two seasons. There's IRB's
Yeah, there are a few things in IRB's that I'll probably go back and do like an entire episode on yeah
Because it was like we just didn't have time who's here's two sentences of like some fucked up medical experiment. So
Yeah, yeah, I just learned about like, you know, one of those schools in Canada where you take the indigenous kids in and yeah
Yeah, we talked about many of these like boarding schools
I just learned about one that you might have to look into and do a full episode on but basically for
However, many decades they were
Feeding all the kids would get unpasteurized milk, but then all the faculty knew about it and would get pasteurized milk
Fuck which led to like hundreds of deaths that were just attributed to getting sick and they got away with it
So it's testing or was it?
Testing like they were they were seeing the like they were doing testing to see the no no testing
They were just like well if they died they die. Oh God wanted them like yeah
Yeah, no no test behind it
It was just you'll have to send me the stupid like it was probably oh, it's cheaper to feed the kids this meanwhile
The Dean has a hard-on for all those dead kids. Yeah. Yeah. Oh also
Sorry to continue. Oh, no, you're good. Ow
from Instagram
Continue sending yourself. I forgot to respond to you about the cult you message me about. Oh, yeah
I was even reading through the whole hell. Yeah, you said that you that shit is awesome. You have some awesome
Awesome suggestions and to anybody else to find something that you're like, what the fuck?
Send it our way cuz like
Even if you think that it can't be stretched into an episode again
We find a fucking stretch it into an episode
So send stuff to us cuz man like I don't know how you guys find shit, but it's awesome. It's always really good
Yeah, that cult one was
Holy shit damn it. Yeah, I was just speaking to my father today about that about about that about
You know the kind words that we've received. Yeah since last season and well during less last season
Super awesome. Yeah. Thank you guys. Yeah, so it's it's phenomenal
Was gonna say something. Oh, yeah
I was just gonna get I was gonna get back and be like, oh, yeah, you were talking about how I was feel like
Do this you can tell stories better now. Oh, yeah. I I think we're
almost professional
I mean the issue is we're not on social media like if we tweeted
And if we tried to get like influencers on
To the show or shit like that. I feel like we'd be a lot bigger. But you know what I
Feel like the core of our show is still here, you know
Yeah, I feel like we are we are still very much pressure points. I was talking about this earlier
I really sold out yet. Yeah, not yet really tried to buy us out exactly
So if you own a company and you would like to have us sell out to you
Yeah, no, no to us an Instagram or email
No, but it you know what? I like it. I like where we're at
Yeah, I like that we have like some very dedicated fans who like the show who talked to us give us feedback
It's phenomenal and just just listening, you know is enough for me
Forgot where I was going with this. I had something good, but it's gone
It's been a long week and it's gonna be in another long week next week. Got another clinical tomorrow
Yeah, by the time you're listening to this. I'll probably be in the clinical head and dad
Yeah, yeah our storytelling ability
I got a couple things with that one. I've been requested to ask you
Two things one related the podcast one not
It's a number one
Where the survival stories at
Jesus Christ, we just got fucking back. I know that's what I said. I was like wow
But they're popular people like them. So yeah, I it's like I went on deck
It's like I told you there was that one that posted on fucking reddit and he was commenting and I was like I should reach
Out to him and just see if he wants to do an interview
That would be good dude that like I don't know. He got fucking cut in half or some shit. It was crazy. He survived
and then
Can we borrow your car tomorrow one of your cars?
Yeah, I know but we she wants me to ask it's fine
but AJ
AJ and the person who would be requesting this don't worry about asking leave the keys up there tomorrow. Yeah, I we got you
What else was there?
Whoa, you said there were two things to you to you. But yeah, I feel like we've come a long way
I was really reflecting on our growth and
You know, we're full of shit, but a lot of people have been saying good shit. Yeah full of good shit. Yeah
But a lot of people have said like hey you talk about some
seriously dark
creepy depressing ass shit
But you do it in a way that's really approachable and you know what?
If that if you guys take oh if that's what you take away from this that you're able to learn about these horrible things
In a way you can still weigh that is yeah
You're able to stomach it and sleep at night and not you know, you're not psychologically fucked up
Well, I take that burden off of yeah
No, I take like I consider that a success
Because there's so much shit in history that people just don't acknowledge
I'm actually gonna be you know part of this is an extremely dark and never spoken about part of World War two
It's a World War two episode go fuck yourself
I'm talking to Dean not anybody else
Yeah, it's I thought about some something that we've never talked about on the show yeah that okay is rough
It's a very rough topic for a lot of people and a lot of history around this
Did you I don't know how to break this to you, but we've been doing shows for six years
and I'm pretty sure we've talked about Auschwitz and
World War two plenty of times but not ballerinas
No, I yeah
Oh, yeah, yeah, by all means take it away, man. Yeah, and if you want more, oh, yeah
Yeah, for slash points of pressure. That's it extra episode a month
Another one coming within the next two days cuz it's the last two days. I'm already 31st is two days away, baby
All right, so hotel Polsky
It's a nice hotel. It opened in 1808 in Warsaw, Poland. Okay
a beautiful vacation destination I
Wasn't able to find it on Expedia today. So I don't think it's used as a hotel anymore
It's not real anymore if it even exists anymore in its well, I know it after the war it was
Retrofit and used as other shit for a while. So I don't know what's there now
But you know beautiful place and in 1941
Know the Holocaust is in full swing World War two is going on we know all that shit
We've been talking about that forever. Okay
We have yeah
But there were there were a bunch of Jewish organizations Polish diplomats who were working with Switzerland and a bunch of South
American countries to send documents into the Warsaw Ghetto
Okay, which I think the Warsaw Ghetto was the largest ghetto during the war I could be totally wrong
it's it's the biggest one that
Like historically I should say like you got the Warsaw uprising and there's just a whole bunch of shit
Warsaw is I've always wanted to go. Ah, it's on my list on my list to go to for sure
We'll have to do it during our
Central and Eastern European
Here we'll do a pressure points tour of Europe and we'll go everywhere that we've mentioned
I mean it would be fun
Which is literally everywhere. I think it'd be pretty sick. That would be awesome
Some of the biggest if if you want us to do it subscribe on page. There you go
I'll fund it. So they these organizations were working with diplomats to send documents like
You know documents I said, hey, you're yeah, I'm from
Yeah, I'm a you know, I'm a foreign national. That's kind of the idea passports and stuff like kind of so like
Documents to help people that are in the ghetto that should not be just to help anybody in the ghetto
Or just anybody that wants to get out the can
Yeah, I'm like kind of like what I've talked about before where they're falsifying documents
Giving them to people just so they can get the fuck out of that. That's exactly it. They're cool
They're 100% like the Nazis would be a little bit more lenient to a Jewish person if they can prove that they are
You know a foreign national of a neutral country. That was the important part if they were from an allied country
They were you know POWs and it was worse
Yeah, if they were from an Axis country same thing, but if they were from a neutral country
They were from Switzerland or South America
Then they would be a little bit more lenient and they would actually help
Facilitate well, they would allow the facilitation of getting them out deporting them
At this point and even then I
Used the word lenience. It wasn't like oh you got the paperwork. You can go. Yeah, it's just like
Well, if we execute everybody who says they're from Argentina, then Argentina is gonna be really mad
when the ones who actually are
Don't come back like
You know, they're basically trying to get those neutral powers to not be taken out
They're basically trying to get those neutral powers to not be pissed off at them. What year is this? Is this before?
Okay, I was like is this before it's been considered a world war or
See, that's a gray area is when it's considered a world war anybody in America says when America entered the war
Yeah, a lot of people say oh, it's when the Axis powers
included Japan
which then you know merged the the Sino-Japanese war with the war in Europe and
Basically made a worldwide every you know, there are a bunch of different. Okay points of conjecture for that
But the old the whole idea let's mail them in some documents. Yeah
By the time the documents arrived most the time the people were dead
Or the mail was just intercepted by the Gestapo because why wouldn't it be? Yeah
so the Gestapo and the Nazis started to stockpile these documents up and
They're like, oh we got a you know, maybe this'll
You know do something maybe this'll
We'll be able to use this information later. Maybe do some schemes some Nazi schemes. Yeah, and
A lot of the interception was done by a group called Zagio
Zagie w and it's Polish. So who knows?
I'm not Polish. I'm sorry. It's a give say say you
Say or die Fakl, which is the torch. I'm not gonna try that
That was pretty close. It's that one's German. I know that some of that pronunciation
A little bit, but basically they were a group of Nazi collaborators
But they were all Jewish agents
Okay, who were working with the Nazis and you know, a lot of people don't know
That that existed. Yeah that there were people who were
You know, the the excuse always given is well, they either had to work or you know work for it or die
You know until you're in a situation, you can't really say which one's better but
Obviously, these groups are not remembered. Well, if they're remembered at all
But basically, you know bunch of bunch of people who are Jewish
Who were either forced to or agreed to work with the Nazis?
And these were agent provocures
Pro-provocures whatever that's called. Yeah. Yeah, you said it right. Oh did I damn?
And they were literally
Abraham and they were led by a dude named Abraham
God damn it. You did so well on provocures. I know
Gankvach let's say that
He was a rich bitch
Jewish kingpin. He was a crime kingpin fucking nice within the Warsaw ghetto. Okay
He worked with the Nazis
Within the ghetto to form, you know, Zach view is that zag you've?
And another group called the 13
They were named that because their headquarters street like number address was 13 13 really boring
But they were another Jewish nazi collaborator group
And he used these groups and working with the nazis to heavily enrich himself
Okay, just like a mob boss
So that zag you
I'm just gonna keep saying like yeah
They were more secretive their goal was to infiltrate the Jewish resistance
and discover its connections to the Polish underground
And you know basically rat out
All the other spy groups rat out the rats. Yeah that were trying to you know
Either smuggle people out bring documents in anything like that. That was their job infiltrate these groups
Okay, and you know a lot of people were instantly trusting if you said oh, yeah, i'm Jewish and you knew about it
which sucks it's a resistance group because
Yeah, that's why yeah, it's so easily infiltrated thing
But at the same time not a lot of people were very willing to say hi. I'm Jewish
Are you with the underground collaborators? Yeah to just fucking anybody
So who was with the cell arrays?
The the 13
Were actually a uniformed group they were three to 400 Jewish agents. They they had like a hat and an armband
They were as is tradition as is tradition. Yes
They to be one of these agents it costs a lot of money like thousands of dollars a month
So these people were they were tasked with shutting down any black market activity any smuggling
Anything like that, but because it was so expensive to be a member
They immediately started to run the black market they did racketeering they did smuggling
They even one of their big things that they did was they set up a hospital with an ambulance service in the Warsaw Ghetto
Okay, and it was 100% used just a smuggle shit out the gates
Say oh this person needs medical attention, and then they go out and they would just smuggle anything they could
Drugs yeah like in the basement. Yeah, that's exactly it and
These groups the big thing that I took away from this this whole
Like doing the research on this on this story is that there were a lot of spy networks happening everywhere on both sides made up of everybody
It was completely insane you couldn't throw a rock in the Warsaw Ghetto without hitting a spy for one group or another and a lot of these like Jewish Nazi collaboration groups were just used as like proxy wars among high-ranking Gestapo dudes
Okay, so the Gestapo would be like oh well I have the allegiance of this Abraham dude who's over these two groups and he's working for me and then there's this other Gestapo dude who's like well I have these groups and they're working for me and then I'm gonna pit them against your groups and it's like an incestual family tree 100% that's exactly it.
All while it's it's literally like looking at Cleopatra's family tree if you haven't if you haven't gotten a chance to look at it it is a circle clusterfucka no it's just like it's worse than that yeah it's just like lines over lines names and shit and you're like what the fuck is this?
going on here it's crazy shit but that's what that's what I imagine it to be like is yeah that's it and they were all like trying to control different aspects of crime they were also trying to maintain control of the ghetto itself and they were also trying to control the whole of the ghetto
but that's what that's what I imagine it to be like is yeah that's it and they were all like trying to control different aspects of crime they were also trying to maintain control of the ghetto itself so the Nazis are utilizing Jewish people to control the Jewish people
and enrich themselves while also bringing down other Gestapo like it really is this incestuous mess all while the only people who are getting punished for this are more Jewish people whether you're in the crew or not
just the fucking regular Jewish people yeah yeah it's completely crazy and
one note on I talk about this later but Abraham Genkwatsch that little fucking bitch his demise is unknown this guy got away with it he wasn't liquidated during the ghetto liquidation there was the Jewish combat squad or something like that
it's another one of these like underground Jewish resistance groups sentenced him to death never found him I bet he died in Argentina yeah next to some Nazis this guy was an asshole fucking awful this guy threw so many innocent people under the under the bus
sure and he was able to get away with it because he had a lot of money like God gotta love it fantastic so the Warsaw ghetto was liquidated every ghetto gets liquidated I hate that term but yeah that's the term we're going to say they close it up they cleaned it out not that there was anything wrong with you know anything inside they killed everybody or deported them
but during the liquidation the Gestapo was like well we know probably a couple hundred maybe a couple thousand people were able to escape during the liquidation maybe they were outside the fences when it was happening maybe they were doing work whatever it was they were able to escape so we need a way to find them and finish cleaning up the streets
Jesus and this plan took many shapes many forms kind of evolved over the time but it ended up being called the Hotel Polsky affair okay so one dude was like alright I've got an idea we got all these like documents in a cardboard box not doing anything and what we're going to do is we're going to start selling these documents
so the Nazis had the the collaborator groups the ones that had remained after the liquidation to start to spread basically the ones who actually had connections to other underground resistance groups spread the the rumor and it was mostly the Zagu at this point they were supposed to spread the rumor to the underground that Jewish people who had foreign passports would be allowed to emigrate across the board
because before it was like you're more likely to but it really just depends on who's checking them and whether they just shoot you in the back right there or not the so the rumor was you would be allowed to as long as you had a foreign you know foreign documentation so then they're like alright how do we sell these so they set up two locations Hotel Royal and the Hotel Polsky they eventually moved just to Hotel Polsky
and then they started spreading those rumors that hey you can buy now that you know two weeks ago you heard that you can emigrate if you had foreign passports I just found a place that sells them and it's all just a front and there you can buy these I mean it's expensive so you know bring your life savings or whatever but you can buy them so they started selling them out of Hotel Polsky and it became kind of a gathering place for Jews
they started people started to like come out of hiding she's and get a room at Hotel Polsky because they also started to spread the rumor that Hotel Polsky would be like an embassy almost like it's going to be a neutral safe ground for emigration I see that they're like oh we'll make sure that it's
I used the term back in season five at some point season four I think where I talk about actually I think it was season five early season five I talked about that guy that he falsified a bunch of documents for people same thing like either like embassy grounds or like some
some level of immunity yeah this is like ah there's a fucking term for it god damn it here I'll look it up yeah I'll just keep going so you know people started coming out people started buying these documents and then just buying like getting a room at the hotel with multiple people like because they're like okay I got the documents I'm here now I just gotta wait for the Nazis to show up and say I can leave great yeah fantastic
let's let's trust them yeah this will go over well and oh let's see how many was it so the Polish underground were immediately like to everybody they could hey that's a trap hey that that says trap all over it do not go there but it's tough because everyone was so fucking desperate for safety at the time well they were desperate and the people who they were getting the information one from were from Jewish underground groups because they've been infiltrated by Zagu so they were getting it from sources that they trusted and they were getting it from the
people so when one trusted source says do it one trusted source says don't it causes a lot of problems especially when you get when at this point you have the emotion behind it you know what happened in Warsaw yeah you know what happened during the Warsaw uprising you you know what's happening now like there's a lot of emotion there's a lot of we need to get out of here I need to save my family I'll do everything I can you know that kind of desperation by the way sorry the sweetest Schindler yeah is that episode season five
episode 18 sorry about that oh no you're good so go listen to it right now and tell us what that word was yeah get back to us cuz fucking hell I can't find it that's all right so it it's estimated that between 2,500 and 3,500 Jewish people came out of hiding and moved to the hotel during this time period and in May 21st 1943 the Nazis showed up and said all right who's here to end
emigrate who's here to who's got their documents yeah yeah great that's great oh I thought you raised so well and they were transferred from the hotel to a resort town in France called Vito where they were put into a camp I was gonna say it sounds like the name of camp but it was a holding camp it wasn't like yeah yeah yeah like compared to the camps in Germany and Poland this one was literally just a camp
I found it what is it it's diplomatic immunity is yeah I was thinking yeah that allows you diplomatic immunity within that area international ground yeah that's the idea yes you're good just read through all the fucking notes on this
extraterritorial yeah like territorial diplomatic immunity so the idea was okay stay here in this town while we figure out you know diplomatic shit and this is the transit point from this town you will be you know we'll figure out
transportation with whatever South American government you're from and then we'll get you over there so they started shipping people down to Vito and two months later July 15th
only 420 people remained at the hotel 420 Jewish people remained at the hotel and how many people were in Vito?
whatever like 33,080 something they're still there yeah yeah nothing's happened to them yet nobody's been nobody's been sent home yet nobody's been sent home yet yeah but they're saying oh well you know it's diplomatically it's a very complex political process
it may have been quick for us to get you over here but now the process becomes really slow well cuz they gotta verify your documents they gotta do all this shit yeah sure so those 420 people they remained at the hotel cuz they couldn't actually afford the documents which the documents adjusted for inflation were upwards of a million dollars
holy shit yeah these were this attracted very very wealthy Jewish people god damn and you know people who did who sold or got rid of everything and they would give them everything that they possibly could until they were completely penniless
and then they were sent to Vito but you know a nice a nice French resort town right yeah totally absolutely and so September comes around it's getting starting to get a little cold in Vito maybe so that's another two months so they've been in Vito for roughly like the first people there have been there for four months
newest people there have probably been there for about two months and they're just being told hey we're doing this we're doing this then Germany said hey everybody in South America those documents of all those people waiting in that camp that we've been trying to arrange this shit and dragging our feet for all those documents are fake we know it you can verify it like here here's one of these bad forgeries so they like they knew they were fake obviously the whole time but revealing it
after getting everybody together and grouped up suddenly South America not only says well we can't take them it has to be valid but they also even if they wanted to they couldn't like they're legally even if they've even if they've set everything up to accept them now they can't because it's falsified government fucking documents exactly
oh god and they and South America all the countries were like fuck like can't really do anything so all but 260 of them were sent to Auschwitz those 260 had legitimate Palestine documentation saying they were from Palestine and they were held and exchanged for Nazi prisoners that Palestine had
Jesus Christ so they were used in a prisoner exchange even though they had fucking even though they were it document they had yeah they had that right to travel but yeah so yeah Abraham was sentenced to death never found him who knows where he went he had a lot of money to disappear that fucking asshole and so one of these victims is kind of transitioning to the second half of our story and it's a it's a
quicker story for this one but one of the people who were sent to Auschwitz was a woman by the name of Francesca man that's what she's known as she you know everybody during this time period had their Polish name then they had like the German name and then they had their stage name South American name exactly so she was you know she was known as one of the most promising dancers of her generation she she was about ballerina
she plays fourth and like an international competition before the war she worked at a nightclub she was a dancer like she was going places and she was sent to Auschwitz she was gonna be a star she was definitely gonna be a star and kind of her story from here gets hazy in the historical record and I don't want to completely kill off an awesome legend by saying oh that not likely that was true
so I'm gonna tell you what we know happened historically and then a couple of the different eyewitness people who said oh no I saw this event or I knew parts of this event and then I'll tell you the legend but I'll start with a legend because that's the more fun
yeah yeah just tell the legend well now it takes some conversation which I think is the more interesting part and so basically the legend is when you go into Auschwitz you get selected when you go to the gas chamber they make you undress before they say oh we got to take your clothes to be deloused or whatever and we got to clean you guys let's go you guys go in the showers so that the story is that she undressed
so sexually sensuously and and and I I could actually see this working because in 1941 you work at a death camp as a Nazi and you only see the women who are so emaciated that they're dying to even breathe like yeah and then you saw the
skin and bones and boners yeah and then all of a sudden you see this young 20 something fit healthy woman so she dances all sexually and she seduces him and one of the stories is she took her heel and got the guy in the face with it steals his gun.
shoots him in the stomach twice which kills him shoots the other guard and it triggers this rebellion of all the women and they are all fighting fighting back against their guards one guard loses his nose one guard is scalped Jesus and then of course what always happens with an uprising they just all get gunned down but for a moment it allowed these women to go out with the dignity of the fight you know and I love that version of the story that one's great
another one she like stabbed another guard in the hip with her heel and like he had to limp for the rest of his life I love it fingers crossed that won't happen to yeah definitely probably but and you know what they definitely during this time they needed that legend of people being able to fight back
especially with how fucking like repressed everyone is yeah there were you know and during this time period the information that you get from the underground groups is spotty because not everybody I mean you were completely relying on people talking and hoping somebody else writes it down like not a lot of shit was written down but we do know 100% that on the day that she was in Auschwitz well it's suspected it was her because not everybody
knew Francesca Mann but you know we have one person who who recognized her going in and he was on the other side he was already in Auschwitz and he wrote eyewitness I think it was called eyewitness Auschwitz it's a book okay and he talks about the people that he saw the events that he saw so he said oh yeah I saw her but she never made it into the campus as far as I know like they were segregated so who knows and then there was another person who was like yeah I saw this lady I don't know how she did
it but she got the gun away from one of them and killed one shot the other guy who had to be hospitalized out and yeah there was a riot and so devil's in the details but what a badass fucking hell that's the way to do it and the thing is even if even if she didn't get inside and she's still outside she still fought back it's not like it's not like they're all inside fucking like concrete walls yeah it's a fence yeah this is a fucking more or less chain link fence
she's outside and fucking takes off her heel and stabs some Nazi in the in the neck and takes his gun they're going to be fucking Jews inside that see it like 100% whether whether they were allowing her inside or not there's a good chance that there is truth to that story yeah and 100% damn to the historical record we know that a woman stole a gun from a guard on the day she was there and shot and killed one wounded one
heavily and then multiple guards got wounded it was all god damn mess that's fucking awesome and like what what a badass to do that like you like at this point this is 1941 the legends and the stories from Auschwitz are known I think there at this point there were reports from people who were in Auschwitz who escaped okay that are known to the to the Polish underground like they knew what was going on they knew about the Holocaust at this point
so knowing that and being forced to face that really would bring out an increase I think it would bring out a lot of people well I'm gonna die anyway let's see what I can do you know that kind of attitude so it's shit so a real shitty thing by a lot of shitty people but but yeah I've wanted to do this one for a long time
sick and there were a lot of people who got caught up in the hotel Polsky affair like they were yeah so it's you said it was like 33,000 that got 300 300 500 oh that were taken to yeah but veto yeah minus 420 veto veto
vitel it's French I don't speak French so I don't know okay I I was thinking 30,000 for some reason oh Jesus fucking hell I mean still yeah these were people who were either smart enough or lucky enough to survive the Warsaw liquidation
it was probably strange when you were like yeah cost a million and I was like what the fuck there were 33,000 fucking like a million dollars no no like at this point these okay 33 very wealthy people or yeah and hit and I mean it worked that Nazi efficiency you know
Jesus Christ terrible that's crazy yeah and a lot of people don't know about the Nazi collaborators who were Jewish and the ironic thing about 90% you know probably way more than that I'm just throwing that out of the Nazi collaborators who were Jewish were also just murdered anyway
I mean like it's fucking Hitler's driver or it's something like that there was somebody that it was either his driver like a butler or something that they were Jewish but because they were they knew everything that he preferred he was like yeah I'll keep him around whatever
like yeah it's like that kind of the same thing later on just killed him anyway yeah like yeah because you know these people for whatever their own personal motivation was to collaborate with the Nazis knowing the horrors that are befalling the you know other people regardless of like at least for me obviously I'm a product of a different generation
I don't care if I share kinship with that person if they're being systematically destroyed like that I have an issue with it but I you know would that be stronger that they were also Jewish like so whatever their motivation was whether it was out of fear that they collaborated whether it was out of they were just shitty people
survival just survival yeah I you know you can't 100% paint everybody with the same brush they were still shitty for doing it unless you're a Nazi unless you're a fucking Nazi then go fuck yourself that one's true um I just don't understand how some of these guys like in Zig you they were allowed to carry guns
Jesus the Nazis were like yay a couple of you can carry guns that's fine what the fuck you guys can be that much of a fucking bootlicker bitch yeah that's the that's the exact thing it is it's it's like right now there's a bunch of shit happening in Atlanta if you don't know do you know are you caught up on all that shit
I have honestly I haven't fucking looked at my phone for like that's good two or three don't do that so I'll give you a quick rundown also I'm gonna preface this by saying I am NOT in Atlanta I do not 100% understand what's going on these are the basics that have gotten through because it's really not on the news
but the basics are there's some forest somewhere near Atlanta that they're gonna bulldoze like 300 and something 370 acres to build a fake city for cops to train in despite the fact that a neighboring county has a training facility that is empty for most of the year
you gotta find a place to put the fucking millions of dollars in budget exactly so people are protesting that because despite it having like an extremely low approval rating it did not get voted for in any way they're still just said no fuck it because I'm sure the city council is making a shitload of money
probably some private company that just agreed yeah well no I'm sure the city council is getting kickbacks from the company and then Tyree Nichols beat to death by five cops was it five I think so four or five yeah so today I think today or yesterday I mean that's not gonna work because you know this is recording the future today or yesterday from the day of recording the body cam footage was released yeah I think that was
yesterday the day before yeah and that is causing obviously you know this is Atlanta this is same place George Floyd like they are no no George Floyd was a well yeah I mean he wasn't murdered in Atlanta it was outside of it no I'm talking about Tyree oh I was like I'm just saying like Atlanta is the nearby big city like what are you gonna protest in Memphis
cows nothing happens there country music so you got to be like if there's something big that happens in Utah or that if anybody's protesting anything in Utah the protest is gonna happen in Salt Lake I see what you're saying sorry that I didn't don't want to say yeah I was like bro George Floyd is fucking Minnesota yeah but that's the whole the concept so you know they got massive amounts of protests and protests for dumb shit
and I mean I'm not saying they're the reasons for protests are dumb saying it shouldn't happen in the first place yeah it's dumb that it continues to happen and like the National Guard was called in of course they were and it's so it's like in that situation if they didn't call in the National Guard but they said we'll deputize whoever wants to to go against these protesters so it's like they're recruiting the same people that they're oppressing yeah to oppress those same people and that was a
common Nazi tactic that's the point I was trying to get to that makes more sense it's because the people that they're oppressing and recruiting aren't smart enough to realize that they're being fucking oppressed yeah at the exact same time it's like that run the jewel song or there's a famous poet that it's based on or poem that is based on where it's the the essentials are they built the cage for this group and I helped because I didn't and I didn't mind because I wasn't that group and then they used that cage for
this group and you know I don't mind and because I'm not that group and then they're like well now they're putting me in the cage and there's nobody else to help me damn Republicans are different fucking breathing holy shit there's actually a there's a joke I don't know the comedian's name but uh he talks about his his family dog muffin I think and he's like you know muffin loves humans like total people dog that hates other dogs and he's like you know
it's kind of like a black Republican like it fucking loves its oppressors but it hates it's a shit and he was like it's a surprise like we should have named it Clarence Thomas yeah 100% yeah that's the entire idea is that there's a historical precedent for people supporting their oppressors and I hate it because it's like how many people do you see voting for their representative who's going to vote against social security
or public education it's like bitch that stuff is to benefit you how many people are complaining when they tried to pass through like federal student loan debt relief like the fact that Mississippi is a blue state or a fucking red state when like think of how many people are fucking like need the welfare they need it and they don't get it because they've been force fed all the information of how oh well that's for fucking
beggars it's like no it's it's a program that's in place to benefit you I have actually something directly on those lines you know Mitch McConnell yeah yeah yeah frog Satan Kentucky guy yeah Kentucky you know he's very much get rid of social security no socialism get rid of yeah all that like
well for you welfare all this shit meanwhile per capita Kansas and Kansas Kentucky is consumes the most federal aid out of any state and has consistently for like 15 years it is so like how can you stand there and vote well it's money and people don't give a shit and it's all old fucks who are completely disconnected but hey kill your local politician today
maybe I should say that's a joke in a video game I'll tell you after we'll get in a further political commentary yeah we're done with that sorry we usually don't don't make this too political not since October 2020 I thought it was very it was a very interesting thing to to connect those people supporting their oppressors and in the end wouldn't you know they were also oppressed it just went oh you're like literally the third thing
that happened in the first place and then in October 2013 were liquidated and killed off and sent to death camps as soon as they stopped being as soon as the Nazis figured out oh that hospital ambulance thing is just for smuggling and we're not getting a cut Auschwitz sent them yeah like that's the whole fucking thing that's grand so there's a historical precedent to human beings being fucking assholes that's the only thing you take away from that any episode of this podcast that's the truth Jesus all right well on that note and I'm
if you would like another oppressor you can find us on patreon yeah find us on patreon we do an extra episode per month now we've got some some other shit on there fucking stuff sloppy seconds we did like 20 of those or something we did a little video walkthrough of the studio even though that's not really what it looks like right now and AJ has put together a really cool series called
voices where he talks about survivors of the Holocaust also we really haven't talked much about this we mentioned the first episode but homeboy got access to the Jewish archives oh yeah yeah so it's awesome there's gonna be some good stuff coming out when he can get to it so no
rush on your part yeah we should probably specify not the Jewish archives I don't know what that is that would be awesome what is it what is it it's the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum archives yeah Jewish archives it works so yeah if you
want to listen to some extra shit that we've made by all means subscribe on there it's like 420 as our lowest tier if you can afford it cool if you can't no sweat yeah get your follow us on get your parents to
fucking subscribe and then steal their password no big deal um yeah and we'll give you a shout out every episode if you're fucking subscribed on there until it gets too big and then we can't yeah until it gets too big and now we just we we just say thank you to everyone and we thank the biggest tier yeah the biggest tier oh you mean the board wow so just so you know the the board they make all the decisions you know they
are usually the first ones to message us when I accidentally upload a complete file with no audio somehow I still don't know how that happened but I'm glad you were on it in like two minutes so that helped but yeah of course we've got mini D Nordic Thunder and Toddle Waddle thank you guys so much for being a chair person we really do like I hope everything's going well with y'all you guys are forcing us to pay taxes on pressure points yeah you guys are forcing D to pay taxes and
commit tax fraud I mean no no no not committing tax fraud for anyone that is there anyone that's yeah that's not knocking a video fraud in a video we're doing it legit this year I promise it actually is but you were doing it in a video game they just bust through the window this small one yeah I come in with black widows all over them don't tackle me oh fuck I'll comply I'll put the cups on myself yeah and then we've got of course Abby AJ's third nut Thomas
dark runner Dee's nuts and Laura Revo thank you guys so much for you know helping us yeah we say it every week keep the lights on I mean that literally yeah like we're getting fewer and fewer lights in here we are but but you're helping them it's I like you guys are the ones that are keeping them on oh yeah and you know helping us do advertising by our equipment yeah we need to do an ad too by the way yeah
soon get the fucking taxes well yeah yeah but yeah but yeah you know you guys thank you yeah we appreciate that's all I got and as always you ever have any show ideas TV music books movies video games you just want to talk or you need somebody to talk to about anything by all means reach out to us on Instagram at points oh pressure or email us at ppdn AJ at
we'll catch you guys next fucking Monday