Aj talks about typhus while Dee dies from a zombie jesus diabetic ketoacidosis and Aj digests $13 worth of eggs.
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Aj talks about typhus while Dee dies from a zombie jesus diabetic ketoacidosis and Aj digests $13 worth of eggs.
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I don't got time to mark this motherfucker. Here we go again. We can't hear anybody. Nobody can talk to anybody
You guessed it pressure points with your two favorite hosts Sam D and this is my eggie devil boy AJ
We're coming at you with season 6 episode 13 the typhus boys take on the right
It's another World War two episodes. You know, it's AJ's
Find us an Instagram at points. Oh pressure and get let's get ready, baby
Well turn the fucking thing off you dumbass I am an egg boy I know so many eggs today an eggie devil boy
You know the worst part what my girlfriend's family didn't have any deviled eggs. What the fuck is their problem?
They just hate Jesus Christ coming back from Wow. Happy zombie day some
Christians to be fair
neither of her parents are
Christians now
Yeah, nobody else brought me wow
Well, it doesn't matter what they believe because Jesus Christ exists and loves that yeah, and he laid tons of eggs while he was definitely
A lot of eggs. I've eaten so many eggs deviled eggs hard-boiled eggs peanut butter eggs and they are sloshing in my stomach
On a Saturday night AJ was like hey
You want to come up and help me make deviled eggs and I was like I've never done it
But I fuck with them. So yeah, I'll help you out. So we go upstairs. We have a little smoke sash about it and
Made some amazing deviled eggs. They turn out really good. Um
because I fuck with mustard and eggs just as a whole like
There was so much of the like yolk stuff left. I don't know what the fuck the devil
Say the yolk with all the ingredients
Yeah, so I was just like oh, this is so good as a fucking dip and it was it was it was so good
Just I'm like a potato chip. I so much your cholesterol and bro. My tummy was giving me
Sitting there I was like, oh, I think I had like 20 fucking yeah
You said pure egg yolks mixed with peppers and jalapenos and smoked herbs
Fucking bacon and bacon a lot of mustard mayo. It was here is so bad for my insides, but it was so good for my tongue
Exactly. Good how I live my life. Yeah same. That's why I look the way I do and
Man, no, they turn out really good. I good. I was able to get away with having
Basically the leftovers at each family party. So I let everybody have you know what they wanted to try
Nope, you bitch. They were gone. I don't blame I don't blame anyone for eating those
No, there are a couple egg aficionados in my family a
couple other
Eggboys me
Coo coo. Could you yeah shit almost slut for for anything egg?
Same send us your best egg recipe is anything egg. Yeah, I don't even care. I love eggs so much Jesus
I accept like raw in a glass. I'll have raw slightly cooked out of a pan cuz I'm too lazy to cook it all the way
But just not in like a glass. I want to drink an egg
I was actually I put it in protein shakes before it's fucking amazing. Just think that
Yeah in a shake. Hold on. I was just gonna clarify. There's an alcoholic beverage
Yeah, where it's like the raw egg with vodka and hot sauce and pepper and like spices and that sounds good
No, we had fucking eggnog
That's different. I'm just talking about like just a crack an egg. Yeah, that's fair
I'm I don't think I would fuck with that. So like I'm not like
Yeah, I'll just drink one out of a glass for breakfast in the morning. Yeah, I'm okay there
But but every other way every literally every other way. I will fuck with an egg. I mean fuck with an egg
Yeah, yeah, so you had a good Jesus day
Yes, I mean Jesus day was okay. Yeah went to the in-laws. Yeah. Yeah, just hung out took it easy
Eat way too fucking much. Oh, yeah, but and I still haven't taken my like post holiday dinner nap
Oh, but I'm not like terribly tired. Well, you know not not yet. Yeah. Yeah, I've got a clinical or bright and early in the morning
So that that after dinner nap that I also haven't taken is gonna just stretch
Into just sleeping for the night. That's fair. So I gotta enjoy enjoy being up for a minute at least
Enjoy being up for a minute at least. Yeah, but you know, it was a good one
We only have one young child in my family and it's my nephew. So we got to watch him at two different places
I got to hide eggs. I took 400 pictures of him this weekend like literally 400
Yeah, literally for because I had my camera burst mode. So okay, I was like quarters of them are blurry
I'm sick. Okay, like taking like 40 pictures of your nephew over like it's a day
Hold on also, let me clarify like 400 is like it's today. I saw him yesterday as well
It was just like 400 is a little obsessive. I it's also for his mother. His mother takes a lot of pictures
So it's like it was for 400 is a lot of pictures. I said I like this
I like to say his mother not my sister. It's fair
That's it's better that way
but you know what someone would turn out really cute and
Yeah, it was nice. It was nice to see everybody. I haven't seen
Family in a hot minute like the the extended
And they're doing all right. They mellowed with age
You know, that's fair. You feel that? Yeah. Oh, I definitely feel that trust me. Yeah
Yeah, it's okay next year. I'm gonna convince your mom to smoke weed
She hasn't mellowed that much. Yeah, we'll see doubt it. I bet I could get your dad though
Maybe I mean he kind of seems like the the kind who would have back in the day. I
Don't doubt that. He has tried alcohol
But he was also like a complete bitch when he was in high school. Oh, never mind. So I'm like
We'll see
Yeah, maybe when my mom croaks the spike is when one of them when one of them dies the other will end up kind of
Cool. So yeah, there you go. No
Just spike the punch bowl at a family party. Yeah. Oh dude fuck
That would be really bad for my alcoholic uncle. Well, make sure he's not there my my already recovering
Yeah recovering alcoholic uncle
Well, yeah tell no don't tell him I'd be like don't drink this punch
Yeah, I'm sure you'd be like, okay
No, just just go around with a syringe putting it in everybody's individual glasses. Nobody looks suspicious at all
But this is the at the dinner table
Sugar water. Yeah, just sweeten it up dad. I know you got diabetes, but just give it a shot anyway. Oh
speaking of diabetes I
Went to two Easter's today and yeah, you stole my joke before we even started recording
Man, like I'm gonna I'm in a diabetic coma. Well, at least you'll be at the hospital tomorrow. Yeah, I'll be sad
They'll just fucking they'll check you in right there. Easy peasy. Easy. It's perfect. All right. Well, all right
I guess we should stop shooting the shit. I'm tired. What you got? What you got?
Dang that last seven minutes not better than fucking 19. No, I like those those are fun
That's fair. So type his boys take on the Reich. I have
briefly mentioned this story like two seasons ago and I
Spoiled it kind of I was mixing two stories in my head one that we have done and one that we haven't and I mixed
them up in my head. That's fair. I mean made them one story and I waited long enough
So that nobody would remember did you do a full episode on me and fucked it up? No, no, I just mentioned it
I mentioned it was like yeah, I talked about this where they did this this and this and like
We talked about one of the things and the two things for from a different story entirely
Yeah, it's hard to get this shit straight
I talked about it recently. We do it for you. Yeah, exactly. I talked about it recently where I love stories
like the
stories of just regular people
Doing what they can. Yeah, and it's so it's very inspiring. It's very like, all right
Maybe if some horrible catastrophe happens, maybe we could you know do something beneficial
Even if it's something small because a lot of people did that shit and nobody knew about it
Also, I'm gonna go on a brief tangent already haven't even started the episode
I'm doing and I'm I'm putting together an episode that I'm doing the most research I've ever done before really
Because this person does not have a Wikipedia page
at all
He's mentioned in a different one. Oh, so he was a professor two additional links
Damn, you're going crazy more. I
Found him in an EPA Superfund cleanup site
What the fuck? Okay, and he was a
University professor and I don't want to spoil anything. Don't tell anything. Let's let's just say it has to do with
refining some type of
irradiated rock in his basement
Told you about a little bit earlier. I've seen an article on it recently. I know you're talking. No
Yeah, he's not got he doesn't have any articles out. He's not got a he's not even on Wikipedia
It's not that it's I'll tell you after I'll show you what I have
Yeah, you might because I was like, oh, yeah, that sounds kind of like a pressure points episode
I think I know you're I might be creating a Wikipedia art or
Account just to make him a page but I spoiled it because now everybody's gonna find him looking for but let's just say
I don't have any time to do that. So I probably won't do it. That's fine
Yeah, but do it between the dude during the midseason break
The the midseason break is going to be I'm still gonna be doing my capstone. That's fine. Do it do while you're doing your capstone
Oh, yeah, that's fine. I don't know
Yeah, that's fine. Nobody gives a fuck at hospitals. Yeah, somebody's working on something else
Yeah, the capstone is I have to do everything
The nurse follows me. That's that's not how that works. Trust me. You're right. Yeah. Yeah, you've done you've done your capstone
Yeah, I'm sure I almost got my RN and then just before the test. I was like, you know what fuck it
Yeah, I'll just go become a doctor. I was like, you know, I'm not gonna get certified for this bullshit
Yeah, this is a squid. I was like fuck it you you quit because they were gonna force you to get a proven and tested vaccine
No, no
it's because the
The person at the testing door was an amputee and they were like, yeah
I don't need my RN. Fuck that. I'm good
That's more realistic
alright, so
We're gonna talk about jail fever or typhus
I talked about typhus typhus on my World War two episodes because the Nazis were afraid of it and
I just wanted to go into that concept a little bit more jail fever
It was called jail fever. Is that like the opposite of cabin fever?
It's not the opposite. It's just a different location. It's like the same thing just in a different
Just different location in the penal system in the in the penis system. Yeah, so it's a it's an infectious bacterial disease
It's vector-borne, which means it's
found on in fleas and lice
which travel on
You know like rats. Yeah me and rats and people and you know
So therefore it's super common in poor sanitary conditions
Oh fuck and yeah, and it used to be really like much more common than it is today
I think since the 70s there's only been like 40 cases in the US
Like it's been cut down a lot because of sanitation. What's the way that you say it makes it sound like it's a
real like
actual disease form of Stockholm syndrome, but for prisons
Jail fever. I well haven't told you the symptoms. Yeah, I'm just like I fuck with this
It's also really common during famines and war
Okay, make sense it it's it
There's not really there's not a there's a vaccine for it doesn't prevent it just makes you die from it less
So and it's not very effective
And it used to be you know, if you go back a hundred years people were a lot more worried about diseases than we are now
Yeah, which is a huge issue because there were so fucking many we should still be worried about these diseases. I
Think the last couple years have proven. We are not prepared for a resurgence of any of these diseases
Like yeah, let's bring cholera back
Society would crumble. Yeah blame Gwyneth fucking Paltrow for that heard for cholera
No for people not getting fucking vaccines. She fucked that smallpox coming back
I thought that for a potential kids are polio again. I don't know about that one, but I don't know about that
Yeah, I don't know anybody's coming back with polio, but there's a chance fuck you if you don't get a vaccine
Seriously, and you know as the name, you know suggests super common in old prison systems and POW camps and shit like that
so the symptoms day cares, yeah, actually kind of
One to two weeks after exposure you start to get a little fever kind of like you having a flu
Okay, so nothing too bad about five to nine days later
This has now been damn about three weeks of being sick
Oh, you get a rash that starts on the trunk and spreads to the extremities
But it usually doesn't go on the palms of the hand or the face
When you say trunk like trunk is like the core of the body like those like of the body like you get fucking
Cheek sores it's like damn. No, no, it usually avoids the face
No, no, no, I'm saying butt cheeks. Oh, like the trunk
Christ I did not get the
So much homework you fucking nerd
I'm sorry, dude. We've got finals this week
Fuck off it is
And so you start getting this terrible itchy rash that if you itch it it gets you know open sores
It can get infected. It can ooze and push. Okay, real quick. Yeah, I
Have a video I have to show you. Okay after this after okay remind me after I will it's just fresh on my mind
It's of a guy that breaks his ankle and it's basically his foot
Disconnecting from his fucking body nice. Yeah, it's fuck. Hey everybody. Oh pull it off
Yeah, pause the podcast everybody and go look up this video. Just Google those words. I can find it. Yeah, okay
So it gets worse a couple days later if it's not treated
Basically spreads to the brain. Okay, where you start to get photophobia. So light sensitivity
Delirium which then leads into coma which then leads to death
Damn so it's it's really serious especially before the advent of like and how long how long from the rash to that
Couple of days. Oh, that's quick depends on your immune system, but by this point you're shot
Like I mean, you've got a bunch of fucking open wounds on your body
Yeah, you you've been fighting it off your immune system is a little
Pre-occupied at this point
Yeah, it was first described the earliest clear description of this was in 1489 in the war of Granada
Gran granada
Gran gran that sounds Granada Granada
Sure, and a da gran and I don't know
Grannadine so there was a siege in which the Spaniards lost three thousand soldiers to fighting
They also lost
17,000 to typhus alone
Jesus it's really bad in war like fuck
It's and it's very deadly before you have doxycycline. I found it you found it. All right, save it
So, you know, you know Napoleon the Frenchman
With a huge penis
Sorry, I was just making sure it said that it had been removed and I was like is the video still there and it is
Yeah, Napoleon the guy with who invented the good old boner parts. Yeah, he invented the three layer ice cream
Napoleon ice cream
The best LGBTQ
Yeah, that's the F in LGBTQ F that's the fact flag
Dude we're too tired for this. Nobody else is gonna laugh. They're like fuck you guys
They're going this community's going through shit. You guys are laughing about it. Oh
I'm sorry about that. So when they retreated from Moscow
When they were doing that whole thing
They lost more soldiers to typhus than to the Russians shooting them in the back
And this is of the 17th like the thousand the 17,000. This is a different this is another
Holy shit, that was totally a couple hundred years earlier, but just showing the okay 1816
Ireland's hit by a famine caused by an event that I didn't know existed called the year without summer
Where worldwide temperatures dropped an average of one degree?
Which led to a famine?
That it was actually caused by a volcanic winter
There were two volcanoes that exploded and it dropped the temperature again. Let me reiterate one degree
Yeah, one degree will cause a fucking famine. That's how serious
A famine across Europe, but especially hit Ireland because everything about Ireland. That's just fucked
Yeah, I mean when the UK is controlling it. Yeah, or when London's controlling it, you know
But they it caused the year without summer which led to a three-year famine that killed a hundred thousand people
Many of those deaths related to typhus. You said 1816 1816 a lot of those famines and everything. I
Mean mind you not this event specifically
But those famines that the Irish were going through is what caused a huge influx of Irish immigrants
Into the US which I talked about
season three
The New York draft riots check that one out
I don't know the exact episode but stuff like that like imagine
Like that's a really solid preface to that episode
Yeah, it gives a little yeah
That many people are fucking dying from this shit and the famine was that bad that people were like I have to live
I have to fucking move across the Atlantic Ocean and
And there's a lot of racism against the Irish especially in Ireland against their you know
colonial imperialist masters and all this shit then
During you know, the the great potato famine. Yeah. Yeah huge amount of deaths were caused by typhus
Majority of those deaths were caused by typhus because as soon as people start to starve their immune systems shut down
Yeah, you know, they just can't work. Well, you don't have not you don't have the energy to like clean nearly as much as you used to
Yeah, things get more dirty
Your body doesn't fucking fight off
I mean you have to leave your home and travel to a city
Maybe to try to find work or food or anything and that yeah
It has all sorts of shit
In World War one 150,000 people died in Serbia alone
From typhus. I just threw that in because Serbia throwback
Fuck them serbs
But throwback to next week when it's gonna get really real
Four million cases of typhus
Uh, four million cases of typhus in Serbia during World War one alone. Jesus it
on the western front
They kind of they understood typhus a little bit more and they set up like
Delousing stations and it really helps control the spread but on the eastern front
They didn't do any of that shit and it was it ravaged the trenches. Fuck
Uh, that was World War one. That was World War one. Okay
Russia during their civil war during that kind of World War one
And a little bit after time period lost two to three million people
Fucking Russia
From a typhus epidemic
When yeah when it was the red army versus the white army and uh, yeah
Holy shit and the fact that they had to hyphenate two to three million because they just didn't know
Because so many people died
It's crazy. And yeah, as I was saying, it's it's super common in pow camps concentration camps
Uh, you know, it killed hundreds of thousands of people in concentration camps if not more including
Uh, two young women called ann and margit frank margit margit margit
Margo margo frank it killed and frank
Fuck I didn't know that like it it fucked
This shit like famous famous lesbian ann frank, by the way famous masturbator if you're upset that ann frank might have had feelings for one of her
female friends
Fucking deal with it. She also wrote about jerking off. So yeah
Figure it out. Yeah, it's just censor that fuck. Fuck it. Fuck her dad for censoring the part about his
Pre-pubescent daughter barely pubescent daughter jerking off sometimes fucking baby. Yeah
The nazis were terrified of it there was a
slight genetic predisposition that people of
Germanic descent are slightly more
Likely to die from typhus really? Yeah, it turns out there is a genetic predisposition for it
Which was interesting because they were like, ah, we're the master race. We're the best
Is german engineering at its finest except for when it comes to their biology. Yeah, exactly
And so they the nazis because they knew they had experience with it from world war one
They knew it would become an issue
They set up they were smart. They were like, okay
at the time the
The way to diagnose typhus you could kind of diagnose it early. We're just when you're getting those flu-like symptoms
You draw a little blood
And you do the veal felix test
He makes a blood sample
some proteus bacteria
Then you heat it up and if it clumps or goes cloudy then the patient has typhus, okay, so what they do in the thing
Yeah. Yeah pretty much actually. Yeah
pretty close the proteus bacteria is
I don't want to go all into this but basically if you are fighting off typhus
Your blood mixes with the proteus your and the the white blood cells in your blood react to the proteus
In the same way that they would react to the typhus. So it's like if you already have it they're on high alert
Yeah, so they'll go and attack it quickly
Whereas if you didn't if you weren't exposed to it and those white blood cells are in a blood sample
They're not going to really do anything
Yeah, unless you hold a flame to it unless you hold no and there's an alien infection going around. Yeah
The the norwegian fucking camp
Yeah, you never know what you never know man. What a good thing
Watch the original thing also the proteus bacteria causes uti's and immunocompromised people
So you mean to tell me that the like all-time?
Most perfect race the arian race
A race was was like i'm not agreeing to continue
Strictly hypothetical. Okay
That they're like, oh we like we're the most pure perfect race
And as long as we don't get typhus just showed up and was like bitch. Try me. Yeah, exactly. That's pretty much it
Fuck yeah, I like this so they have this test and they had this whole system that I go into
It's scarier than the jews to the nazis. There was actually a lot of propaganda that
That they said that the jews spread typhus carried and spread type of course one of the most popular
Propaganda films from that era popular during the time period probably now
is about
jewish people
Spreading typhus 28 rikes later. Yeah. Oh my god seriously
So poland we know what happened in poland in world war two
And in post invasion the nazis could just show up to any town or village and say
Bring out
You're dead
Your you know your young men
Okay, bring out whoever we want and then they'll just take them and bring them to test them forced labor camps
Okay, and mines and quarries chemical plants anywhere that they wanted them to you know munitions plants and shit
And they were basically forced into slave labor every once in a while
They would get like a week or two to go back and visit their family
But they weren't really getting paid. Yeah, and then they would have to go back
Here's your week off from being a slave. Yeah, exactly
Go check your family. Hope they didn't start to death
Don't bring home any money. Yeah
Yeah, and you know the conditions were terrible and tons of people starved or worked to death like it was
really bad
That caused an issue because they wanted to make sure people didn't have typhus
So they set up a lot of safeguards to detect
These infections somewhat early early enough
To prevent the spread and prevent it from going into these camps because if it goes into one of their work camps
It's like well shit. They're not going to have enough bullets to shoot at russia
To shoot at russia
This week if if everybody at the munitions plant is dying of typhus, you know, yeah
So all the blood samples if if a doctor in a village somewhere in poland
Had a patient come to them and it's like oh flu-like symptoms have a fever
We'll draw a little bit of your blood and then we'll send that sample
to the nazi lab
To the nazi doctors so they can one clone them. Yes two test it for time
well one it's
They can say okay. Is this positive for typhus? They do that test
Okay, it's positive. Are they jewish? Yes
Shoot them
She just executed if they're polish
They say okay quarantine stab them
They say quarantine because we'll need you for physical labor later
So we kind of want you to survive but not really and then they'll send the results by letter
So the turnaround time depending on where you were in poland sure already was like fucking dead
Yeah, you're gonna be in a coma by the time the results show up most of time
And I mean, i'm sure a lot of these like
Flu-like symptoms i'm sure they didn't give a shit. It was probably when people start showing up with body sores
Well, yeah that becomes an issue
But the flu-like symptoms that was like the if they have flu-like symptoms and you're in an occupied area
You have to take that blood sample. If you don't you'll be executed. I see because they can kind of catch it a little bit early
Yeah, like what's the difference you either die of typhus die for being a jew or dies
Yeah, but you can treat typhus like it's a treatable thing. Like it's still horrible. Don't die being slave. Yeah
It's horrible, but they did have treatments that helped fair but not
not anything as good as nowadays where you just
Get an ivy medication get an ivy antibiotics. The only problem is that the testing
And your results took two to four weeks to arrive and then by the time you got your results
that's when the doctor would order the
The medicine which was roughly on a three to six week three six month schedule
Yeah, so so if you could if you had typhus there was about a one percent chance of survival
In reality because they were so afraid of typhus. I'm sure they was like a week or two out of it
It was a it was a week or two turn around to imagine that they fucked it up. Well, yeah immensely
But the the protocol was oh you get one person who came back positive for typhus
And they're probably not in a good place now because it's been a week or two
Yeah, but now everybody in the village who has those flu life symptoms are all going into quarantine
Yeah, like they're all you're not gonna wait for those results to come back
Yeah, everybody's going and then you order that many and then those results show up. Yeah, whatever
Um, they were they were proactive about it like the that's good
I talk about some doctors where they just do like weekly supplies
Or monthly supplies where they say this is where all of my medication has and antibiotics and everything not antibiotics
But you know all everything has gone
This is who i've treated and everything and what they had
Now I need this much medicine for next month
And and there was a lot of like paperkeeping kind of so one thing the nazis did right and they documented everything
Oh, really i'm gonna cut that i'm gonna cut that shit not
And you're gonna cut it together to that time. I said jews
Or something but
Yeah, they they documented a lot of shit. Yeah
And we're gonna talk about eugene lazowski
Very polish name pause for sip impressive
He sounds like a real straight shooter. Yeah, he was born 1913 good old eugene lez laz. Oh laz lazowski
Born 1913 he got his medical degree just before the outbreak of world war ii
And so he served in the polish army as a doctor
After the invasion
He was placed into a pow camp for a while
and he started to work kind of for the resistance groups and
And he ended up climbing the wall of the pow camp and stealing a horse cart that was left unattended
Okay, he then returned to his home
They never thought to check for him back at home
Despite the fact that he was ordering supplies
From the nazi what yeah, he just started practicing medicine back
Back at home. He met up with his wife
And his family shipping it to his address. Yeah
What the fuck and I I think they were just like well he is a doctor
Yeah, he's gonna do better to keep our future slaves healthy. I mean to be fair
they're also
Proactively trying to prevent typhus from spreading exactly so i'm sure that in their eyes. So like though this guy
Isn't where he's supposed to be
He's gonna be stopping it from it spreading anyway. Yeah, so he he went back to his home and his wife in rostvedov
Okay, there's a lot of w's
and this
Polish is extremely hard for me to pronounce
So i'm sorry, but he kind of you know reflect self-reflected as a doctor and was like i'm going to wage
A private war against the nazis. I'm gonna do everything that I can help as many people as I can
As a huge middle finger
To the reich, okay, and he also well, you know, he was a doctor he was using
Nazi supplies that was probably stolen from polish people but
He was forbidden to treat any jewish people and in the town. There was a jewish ghetto
So, you know private war you're gonna start treating those jewish people for sure
Interestingly enough
The fence of the ghetto
Went up against his backyard fence. It was that close to his house probably chain link too. Yeah. Yeah, right
There was a just a big hole in it
No, so they he starts working with confession booth. Yeah, there's a there's a little sliding door
And he starts
Working with the polish resistance to provide medical care to the jewish people in the ghetto and their system was
Oh if somebody is really sick and they need a doctor
Tie a rag to my fence
He sees the rag he unties it throws it away and then he sneaks into the ghetto that night
And he provides the care and he did this night after night after night
So it wasn't even a confession booth. It's literally just the gate. Yeah pretty much his back walks in
He and he starts treating all these people but then he he was like shit
I have to like account for all of my supplies
And like convince them to still send me more yeah
So he realized
He's a thinker. I like this guy
There's a train station also near his house
And he thought oh i'm just gonna set up a medical stall during the day at the station
And just make people up saying oh this traveler stopped by and he had a cough
So I used this treatment. It's a fucking 40 to cover for
The medicine that he was using in the ghetto. He's just writing down like the most
German non-jewish names. Yeah, hans
Yeah, everyone's name fucking hans
And they and it worked it worked really well he lied on the records
They kept sending him more and more supplies because they were like, oh this guy's
I mean, he's treating people on the train like wow, that's a good idea. He's preventing the spread of illnesses
across the nation
Meanwhile, they're fucking supplying the jews with fucking
meds and shit
And they
It works send him more. He's so efficient at saving our nazi troops
Yeah, that's it
That's our slaves and nazis and a lot of people would when they were on leave
They would pass through this town so he would treat them and
He would you know say like oh this guy had flu-like symptoms
Like this is how I treated them or like, you know early flew like I told him to go to this doctor or stuff like that
Now we're gonna talk about
Matt Matula
Stanislaw Matulovic. Yeah, Stanislaw was another doctor in the same town and they were friends
They they worked together quite a bit
And they were you know before the war friends stuff like that
now Stanislaw
He was a he liked the chemistry a bit more than Eugene
And Stanislaw built a secret lab in his backyard shed
Anyone named Stanislaw definitely owns a fucking lab. Oh, yeah has the capability of making one 100%
Figured out how to
Just run the veal Felix test in a shed so that he could go into the ghetto
Take the blood samples of the Jewish patients and get the results instantly
Oh my god, so anytime Eugene had oh, I think this is typhus
He would drop two blood samples
He'd get the instant one send the one to the Nazis and if the instant one came back
He knew to quarantine so their quarantining and their response to typhus was so good
Yeah, that there was just no breakouts like it just wasn't an issue like the Nazis thought it was because they were just so good at it
Good old polish efficiency. So Stanislaw
Was also did a bit of tinkering and he discovered
Just fucking around
That if he injects somebody with a dead proteus bacteria
That within a couple of days their blood sample would turn up positive for the veal felix test
With having without having typhus at all. Yeah, so it would be a false positive
Yeah, yeah, so it's still but they don't at this time. I would assume they don't really know about false positives
Yeah, they just like positive and negative what the Nazis are looking at. Well, yeah, they wouldn't be able to distinguish it
Yeah, that's what I mean is they know about false positives, but they're only looking at false positives
Yeah, that's what I mean is they know about false positives, but they're only looking at positive versus negative instead of exactly
They're not like looking at the bacteria for the structure and trying to identify gram negative gram positive
None of that shit. It was just it turns cloudy and clumps up or it doesn't yeah
He goes to eugene and together
They come up with a plan. They're like we are so good at controlling typhus here, but that's kind of an issue
Because if these people were working ourselves out of a job if these know if these people aren't sick
Then they can be taken into the work camps and these you know
All these the jewish people in the ghetto are going to be executed and all this shit's gonna happen
So they realize
They need to play into the nazis fear of typhus, okay?
in area
Can be deemed a typhus epidemic area by the nazis
This it reaches a certain case amount. Yeah, it's like 300 like once
It's this many people in this area
Then they're gonna shut down the area and they're not even gonna go there anymore
They're just gonna shut down the area and tell the doctors good luck. Let us know when it's fixed. Have fun fucking dying. Yeah
And they they generate they don't take people to the work camps because they don't want to spread to work camps
They don't take them to concentration camps because they don't want it to spread in the concentration camps
I'm home and like fuck off
They just leave they're they're mostly hands off in the area like they'll still travel through it
But they're not gonna stop still still a better fucking like quarantine response than half of america. Yeah, seriously
Jesus christ. Yeah
Somehow the nazis did a better job of fucking quarantining in the u.s
Uh, I mean, yeah. Oh no the nazis quarantine better than the nazis
80 years later. Yeah
And so
They started to anytime a non-jewish patient came in with flu like symptoms
They began experimental protein stimulation therapy
Where in reality they were just injecting them with this proteus bacteria
and then
Couple days later positive draw the blood and send it off. Yep
And you know 90 percent of the time because they were so good at controlling typhus it would just be a flu
yeah, or a cold or something like that and
Let's see
So they start secretly injecting people
As they come in and they they were really careful because they were they were fresh out of school
So they had just studied epidemiology. Yeah
So they knew oh it fall and winter cases go up spring and summer cases go down
Like let's control the spread based on where these people are coming from because they're set up in this one town
But they're covering and providing care for 11 to 15 villages. Jesus
So they're kind of controlling it where it's one person comes from this village who just has a flu. Yeah injects him
Gets a sample out and then in a week
Three more people show up because they got the flu from this guy. Yeah inject them looks like the epidemic is spreading
And they you know, it's they they never admit to it. I haven't read the original book
That this is based on like the full thing, but I mean it would be pretty easy to take a couple extra blood samples
Yeah, just to kind of control. Okay. How many are you gonna send out at a time to kind of control those numbers?
That's a really big thing that they worked on was
Mimicking the numbers of a real epidemic and how it would spread then
They were like it's gonna be dumb if all the positive is just coming from us. Yeah two doctors, so
They would inject somebody with the protein
You know the fake protein therapy and then send them to a different doctor
And then that doctor would send it in. Yeah, the doctor's like shit. I got a positive. That's taught. That's typhus shit
Pretty quickly it was it was within a year
11 villages were deemed an epidemic by the nazis and they just stopped showing up and for a good amount of time
Things were going really well
Until you know, you kind of have to have it and until
There was an informant
In the area who reported the nazis that man. I'm not really seeing a lot of deaths compared to
People are just walking around looking fine. Nobody's quarantining. We're not seeing a lot of deaths
Nobody's quarantining. What's going on? I don't see a lot of a lot of bodies. So the nazis
Like oh something's up. We're gonna catch them
Send a team of doctors down to the village
They send the team of doctors
But our two doctors Eugene and Stanislav were ready. Yeah
They set up a feast they got the village worth of vodka
And they pampered these doctors, yeah
So that so much so they enjoyed the food and the alcohol and everything so much that they only sent one young doctor to go
Check out the quarantine ward. Well, she had filled up with people wasowski
Filled it. No with people with our sick. Hell. Yeah who had the flu?
Okay, or colds or shit like that
But were also all people who had been injected so the nazi doctor was already freaked out because that's they were just taught
Yeah, freaked out as a cultural thing that they were terrified of this typhus. So they were like not looking close
It was a dark room and they draw up a bunch of blood samples
Take it back. They all come back positive and the nazis leave them alone fucking pretty much the end of the war
Damn, really? Yeah for three years. This was deemed an epidemic zone
And what year did the epidemic like I I don't have super specifics, but it was after you know
Yeah after the fall of poland so after 1939 so it probably was 1940 when they started it
Yeah, so this was like 43. Yeah about 43 which
Shit's happening. Nazis aren't really focused on that anymore. You know, it's happening. Yeah
They pretty much got away with it. The zone became a safe haven because they were both working for
Or with the polish resistance groups. It became a safe haven for jewish people jewish people traveling would be like oh you go to those 11 villages
Start doing some work. Nobody'll say anything. Yeah, you're good. Yeah figured out you have typhus big deal
It's estimated that they saved about 8 000 people who would have either died from camps or been executed for being jewish
And nobody knew about this
until 1976 when eugene
wrote a memoir
And this this was because you know after the war poland was under the ussr
he was afraid of saying anything about it, oh, I see to the regime because
Well, oh so you faked an epidemic you're gonna do that again like
So he he eventually got a scholarship
He was able to travel to the us and get a bunch of us degrees. He became like a professor of pediatrics
And has hundreds of research papers done
related to this kind of thing
and yeah in 76 he wrote a memoir and then
About 10 years later. He wrote a book with stanislav
Oh my private war
What was it? What was it called my private war? Okay, and he
He kind of came clean about everything
He said I was not able to fight with a gun or a sword, but I found a way to scare the germans
Fuck yeah, I love that shit. And yeah, he he stayed alive until 2006
He was an old ass bitch. Dude. I fucking love stories like this. It's so cool like people just
Life hack the shit out of the germans life hack the nazis save people. I fucking love it
It's it's really good. I'm here for it. Well good shit. Yeah, not bad, bro
Not bad, bro
All right. I'm gonna go have a coma. Yeah, but first
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