Dee heads to the glue factory for our first sports episode! Strap in to your saddle, you're in for a wall-jumping good time!
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Dee heads to the glue factory for our first sports episode! Strap in to your saddle, you're in for a wall-jumping good time!
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I don't got time to mark this motherfucker. Here we go again. We can't hear anybody. Nobody can talk to anybody
You guessed it pressure points with your two favorite hosts on D and this is child soldier AJ
We're coming at you a season 6 episode 16 the electric equestrian fraud. I'm getting into it, baby
It's going back to the 80s find us on Instagram and patreon at points. Oh pressure strap in and let's go
Well turn the fucking thing off you dumbass
Fantastic work as always fucking here. This is
Recording number two. Yes
If you're subscribed on patreon
Go listen to the one on patreon first the exclusive episode for April
Yes, it was released last night and it's your fault for not listening to it in April. Okay, just saying well
Does April have 31 days now 30? Oh shit? I thought I had an extra day. No glad I didn't push it off
I'm was dead. That's all good. But yeah, if you don't listen to it
Like if you haven't already listened to it, it's that's on you honestly
And if you would like an additional episode at the on the last day of every single month subscribe
To us on patreon. We've got a bunch of other shit there bunch of extra content a bunch of other shit. So check it out
Popping off we are officially not hemorrhaging. Yeah
Followers, so that's really good
Good. Yeah, thank you to our social media expert. She's fucking killing it
Oh, yeah, so much better. Yeah, it looks very professional
Think I I don't want to get into the this episode next but I think I might know what it's about
But I also don't I mean you probably do I might know it
but is there anything else you want to talk about before that, uh, I mean we went on a
Little little hike on Saturday. It was a little little crazy, but it's good
It was nice short hike, but it was a high high. Oh my fucking god a lot of a lot of ladders
Pretty much fucked that for one mile. Yeah
That's a long way. That's more that's about how much I walk in a day from my couch
I'm about a woman back in a year
But no, it was it was nice to get some Sun. Yeah, I didn't get burned which is good. Yeah, there we go
It's short, but sweet. Yeah, it was rough
if I'm being honest, I tweaked my back like like
Three-quarters of the way up. I walked through one of those trees
Did it my hand held on for a little too long and it's like
But yeah, I mean it was still still pretty chill. Yeah, it's pretty. Yeah. Yeah, but yeah, uh
Not a lot else honestly, it's probably should blow directly into the microphone
That's fine. It's been a pretty mellow week other than that. I
Finally went back through and added all of my stuff
To my computer so that I can start streaming video games again. Oh, yeah
Yeah, it it's been a fucking nightmare trying to get everything working properly
So if you watch me or you're subscribed to my twitch
I'm sorry for all the notifications that you got this last weekend, but yeah, I mean pass that
Nice and chill nothing. Nothing crazy. Yeah easy little weekend. So
You get a clinical tomorrow. No
No, it's between semesters. That's right. You were done with that semester two more baby
Hey, fucking two more semesters and you're done
God's not quick enough it two more semesters till I'm open to liable liability suits to patients
Hey, I'm being till I find you on my job. Yeah, so I get treated like absolute shit by
Entitled old people can't wait. I will not put up with it. I'm already deciding I don't give a fuck if I get assaulted
I'm suing them and I'm allowed
Just say yeah, I'll just I'll just fucking overdose more do not. Oh, this is the public episode. I'm not gonna do that
In implication I'm reporting it
so back in
December between seasons
between five and six
Blot that out at the end. No, that's a I mean, that's that's just a
Okay, so I'll reach out to us and sent a really fucking intriguing story
So I have wanted to cover
Any kind of sports corruption on this? Hell? Yeah
in about five years, I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna cover the NBA
fucking like
referee gambling scandal, I will do it because I I
I know that it's not everybody's but I'm a slut for sports and
Sports drama and this peak the fuck out of my interest
Along so thank you. I haven't been able to get to it up to this point because I had so many other things planned and
Because Yugoslavia is pushing further and further back. Yeah, but now by doing those once a month
I've gotten a lot of really good feedback from some of you guys on
The best way to approach the butchers of Bosnia. So I'll be handling that
Next not next episode but the next so in two episodes will be getting back to Sarajevo
Cool, but I'm taking a break from it for another I
Don't want to say light-hearted tale because this isn't like a oh, it's a funny episode. It's just not yeah
It's just not that so
Tommy Burns ran away from home at 16 years old
And he decided to leave to Florida on a bus
so Tommy was a bit of a troublemaker and
He had actually been kicked out of school in Connecticut. They called his mom and they were like get this kid out of here
When he got home, he was like, okay, I'm leaving and she was like, okay and just kind of let him do his thing
hops on the bus heads down to Florida and
When they get to they get to this place in Florida that has a bunch of tents outside
And so he runs up to the other going campin
Yeah, right now he runs up to the bus driver and says hey, this is my stop. You can just pull over right here
I'll hop out. Um, he kind of figured car knees, which is fair. It's just it's the late 70s
Yeah, fair enough. It's fair knees are the boogie man at the time
He figured yeah, just join the fucking carnival. Whatever
but he sneaks inside and it looks very different from
car knees because a massive equestrian event is going on if you don't know what
The equestrian sport is it is what I see as one of the most pretentious sports in
all of sports so you basically just it's like
Obstacle courses but for people riding horses. Okay. Yeah, and I know what you're talking about. Yeah, so
It's a Kentucky Derby. Yeah, except with an obstacle course
Yeah, but this is this isn't even Kentucky Derby
Kentucky Derby is horse racing and there's a lot of money thrown around it horse racing but equestrian events they have like
Horse prancing they have like where horses will like they basically run and like yeah, they hop over
obstacles mind you
Or Shrek version of one of those. Yeah, like it's it's a really like over elegant like I'm
Sport more or less. That's just I mean
It doesn't really have the greatest history with how these I mean these horses are still treated like shit. Yeah
Like it is it's a sport for millionaires plain and simple like nobody owns a horse
That doesn't have like a billion dollar ranch. It's just it's just as straight up as that
So yeah, he walks in and he feels like super drawn to this whole thing now
I watched a documentary that kind of like they interview Tommy
Spoiler alert, he doesn't die at the end. Oh
so they interview Tommy and he points out that like he knew he was in a place that he wasn't going to fit in because
It wasn't just that he was seeing like oh anhyzer bush Budweiser as like the advertisements
He was seeing the anhyzer bush
Like he was seeing like the Lindemans he was he was seeing the Lindbergh's yeah like
Massive like million-dollar family the Romney's literally have an equestrian horse. Oh, yeah
Um, so this is big money and he's kind of he's a fish out of water right now
But he's like, I mean if I'm gonna get in at entry level, I'm 16
Why the fuck not do it right now?
He only had like 20 bucks on him. So he's like, yeah, what the fuck else am I gonna do? Yeah
around this time late 70s
Horses are being sold for like
250 thousand dollars in the late fucking 70s Jesus
Event fees for these families were roughly like 10k a month
Ten to twenty thousand dollars a month in the late fuck we should charge ten to twenty thousand dollars a month in the late 70s
We should do a one thousand dollar tier on patreon and just see if anybody goes for it
Just see if there's a mr. Honey back there for us. It'll just be called the oops you clicked on it tier
Yeah, and the only benefit is you get pictures of my taint. Not even that no, we don't know
I will we don't even mention your name. You want it? No, you want pictures of my balls?
Send me a thousand dollars. We don't do you don't even get access to any of the exclusive episode
You don't get you just pay us a thousand dollars a month and that's it and we call you daddy
But in only in no, no, we don't even acknowledge you
You don't even know your name at the end of the episode we say and for a thousand dollar tears. Thanks
So yeah
It's the equestrian tier
We get enough people will buy a pressure points horse will buy a horse if we make two hundred fifty thousand dollars. Yeah
Now the way that a lot of these families because this is kind of like a family sport
You buy a horse you own a ranch whatever and then generally like you would either hire
Someone to ride the horse and your family always goes to the events or a member of your family is
Riding those horses because you own the ranch
So a lot of this is kind of seen as like these horses are more of an investment portfolio in a way
Because it's not like you just buy a horse and then you're like, okay cool
All right, let's go. We're good. We're good forever
It's like you basically continue buying them to get better horses because the price of a horse
At this time is going to fluctuate
Based on how well it's performing. It's kind of it's yeah, it really is just investment, but with animals. It's fucking weird
So Tommy gets hired as a groom, which is a really fucking bad title
To get hired as a groomer
A groom's job is basically to clean and maintain horses and get treated like shit by
Everybody else that works in the equestrian industry
They like shine their boots
Just after like brushing this horse
They shine the boots of the dude riding the horse and the guy just like spits on them and that's it. Yeah
It's that's my kind of job. Yeah, it's the lowest paid job in the industry
Generally work like 90 to 100 hours per week. Like these are 15 to 16 hour days
Jesus, I mean he only has 20 bucks. So yeah, I mean fuck dude was like he walked into a good job opportunity
I guess look
Yeah, he he has picked up his groomer. He works or as a groom and
he works for this one family for just a little bit and
Then a man by the name of Barney Ward reaches out to him and says hey
I think you would be a good fit working for me. I know you're from the Northeast
I'm stationed in New York. So come up to my my ranch
I'll get you set up there and we'll go from there. So Barney Hill has a stable called Castle Hill farms
Oh, man, is that pretentious right sounds like a brand of vodka that I can't afford?
Castle Hill vodka
It sounds like a really fancy cheese
Yeah, Castle Hill cheese
It's halloumi with garlic
right now the reason Tommy hops like
hops on this opportunity right off the bat is because
Like Barney Hill is a recognizable name in the industry
Back then and well now if you're part of the industry and we'll find out later why?
But Barney was known for being kind of like the showstopper like he would he would break records
He would win a lot
But he was also really fucking dangerous with what he would do which sounds kind of preposterous when you're imagining just horse prancing
But he did an event that was called
Horse show jumping now what they do is it's more or less like the high jump but for horses and
Okay, generally people will like it took me two seconds to realize what a high jump was
They're basically jumping over like a wall and then they'll put taller and taller tiers of I shit you not
turf grass on top of it Jesus to raise the height
The difference between Barney and other like
show jumping horse racers or whatever the fuck you want equestrians is that
Generally, they would all have like a pretty regular speed. They'd go up to it and then they would do like a
prep speed and hop over it
Barney was not like that Barney would drive the horse the horse
Full throttle up to the wall and then at the very last second
would like motion for his horse to jump like literally
Tommy in his interview points out that like there were a lot of times where it felt like he was just going to run this horse
full throttle directly into a wall and
There were a lot of times that these horses when they would jump
They would either get like a bad angle and they would catch their front legs or when they're coming down
they would catch their back legs and these like
Over a thousand pound horses are landing on the ground
Are landing on Barney?
Horses are not meant to land on anything but their fucking hoods. Yeah, these things are landing on their backs
They're landing on their side and shit
So Barney ended up Barney and his horses always ended up with injuries like every year
is um, but
Because he took those risks he won a hell of a lot more often than other people
So Tommy sees this is like whoa
I read yeah, this is this is a big opportunity for somebody that has a fuck ton of money to go work for him
Because he's not hiring him on is like a groom anymore
um, so
This particular summer, I think this is
1978 at this point, uh Barney actually good year good year when uh,
Uh Barney goes back to New York. He had broken his neck during a competition and he's like
His neck brace is like a full chest
Full chest piece all the way up to his chin
solid concrete neck brace
um, and Tommy
When he went to New York, uh
Was kind of taken under Barney's wing. Okay. Um, right Barney
Barney damn the 70s. Yeah, dude start off on the ground floor and get taken under a rich guy's wing
Uh, so Barney was kind of seen as like a father figure to Tommy because Tommy's dad left when he was like
Super super young and he always kind of attributed his delinquency to
his father leaving
So it's good to have excuses. I'm just kidding. So yeah, Tommy gets like
Defensive and very like like protective of like I don't want Barney to be gone
So i'm gonna do everything for Barney that's necessary. Yeah. In fact one night there at a bowling alley
And uh, yeah, he jerks him out. No
No one night at a bowling alley. There's some dude that walks up to Barney and like fucks with him because he's got a neck brace
The guy fucks with Barney and Tommy goes
Hmm, I know how to solve this situation and grabs a bowling ball and beats the shit out of the dude with it
Holy shit. Yeah, this is the 70s. There's a lot of lead in the water. Yeah
So, yeah, uh
he smashes this fucking dude up with a bowling ball and
They rush out of the bowling alley get out to the car and Barney turns to Tommy and he's like, holy shit, dude
I owe you one for that. Thank you
Here's a horse
Yeah, right
So Barney ended up buying Tommy a car a little bit later. Damn dude
Like I mean, it's like pennies for this guy. Yeah
Um, and he ended up promoting him to a little bit better of a position in the stables
And I mean over over this little time they both kind of became better and better buddies
Uh where they'd just go hang out. They'd get drinks together. They'd go bowling. They'd fucking
Beat the shit out of somebody with a bowling ball and buy a new car, you know perfect how friendships go
Yeah, that that's how it worked for us. Yeah
So a couple of years go by and Tommy has actually offered a job for three times the pay
um, which
Fuck and uh
So he brings it up to Barney and Barney says i'm not gonna match that and you can't leave and go work somewhere else
Tommy's kind of like, uh go fuck yourself. You're not gonna tell me what I can and can't do
So he's leaving daddy Barney behind right? So Tommy ends up just dipping out that night
He packs his things slips out in the night drives off the ranch
and he goes to work at
What I tout as one of the best names in this show. Okay, i'm here for it the eagle's nest farm
Oh my god
Did the guy who was the guy who owned it Randolph Himmler?
No, his name is Jim Druck. Okay, that sounds like a thing. It sounds yeah
So well, we found him boys
and so uh
Jim Druck introduces Tommy to the family and uh
in Druck's family
Druck's daughter
Compete's I don't remember what her name is. It's not really all that important, but she's Stacey. Yeah
I think she's like the middle daughter
Um, and she does all like the horse riding and everything so
They end up buying this horse named Henry the Hawk for
150,000 dollars in this in 1978 in like
1970 pretty much. Oh, even then so much money. Fuck dude. This is before Reaganomics inflation, bro. Yeah, uh
Druck's was a really busy dude
So he decides i'm gonna have Tommy drive the like trailer
for the horses
Um, and he takes Tommy off to the side and basically says hey
Watch out for my daughters and my wife on this like little summer tour of competitions
Because I mean they go this is like month long of like
Or even more than one month
More than one month like I think he listed like seven different states that they competed in
Yeah, so you want me to take care of your wife and daughters?
Murder my wife. No, I wasn't I wasn't going to that
Uh, so yeah, he says like watch out for my daughters and literally goes I don't want them
meeting or
Fooling around with any guys like you
And Tommy's like hey, okay, sir. All right. I'm gonna sleep with your wife. You got it. Yeah
The girls think it's kind of weird how like
Badly Tommy inserts himself into the whole family like Tommy's in like family photos during this. What the fuck this fucking thing?
It's weird. Tommy's Tommy's a fucking weird kid. Yeah, um
He's also he's just
He parties like a motherfucker. It's 1980 dude like party with your tits out. Cocaine's common
It is a good time for partying in the u.s. Partying with rich people. Yeah. Oh, yeah, there's a lot of coke. Yeah
So he's partying like crazy drinking a bunch, um, and he ends up in a at one bar one night
um, and
Guess who is across the bar barney mrs. Drugs. Oh
She's she's mrs. Drugs has always been kind of a drinker, right?
Uh, she's a little little saucy as well. She was a rich
I assume white woman rich white woman in 1980. This is equestrian. I know anyone other than white people. I know this bullshit
I was just being careful
But yeah, so uh an alcoholic rich white woman who would have ever thought wow
Uh an alcoholic white mother in the 80s
I'm sure you have a pretty good idea of what she looks like. I've seen many videos about this exact same scenario
Yeah, so tommy slides a stool across the bar. She slides her stool across the bar. They sit they have a drink together
And then tommy strangles her no
I mean he might have but they end up fucking they go and they enjoy the uh horizontal
Samba, you know, they're they have a grand old time
And then it happens again
Nice and again and again and it becomes a regular affair
tommy the groom the fucking groomer the the horse the stable boy
Is fucking the millionaire's wife. So tommy made it and that's the end. Yeah, and we're done
Yeah, that's all just that somebody can make it to the top
She let's just say she left him took half the money got with tommy tommy left her got half the money
He's still rich beyond his wildest dreams. Uh
Uh now during this trickle down economics now that now that tommy's getting fucking laid. Uh, he becomes
A bit more of a hothead
Oh, yeah, um, he's starting to get into like he's starting to get in more fights at one bar
One at like one of the bouncers like punches his friend or something and he pulls out a fucking bully club
And he's about to you know, I keep that motherfucking thing on me
He's about to hit this the bouncer and like three other security guards come over kick him out of the bar
He goes to his car pulls a pistol out of the fucking
Like glove box and he's walking back towards the bar ready to shoot these security guards
The cops show up and arrest him
But he's a white man banging a millionaire's wife. So
She pays his bail
No, she doesn't
Um, but he wakes up or he wakes up he wakes up he wakes up hung over in jail and
Jim drux is there paying his bail
Jim takes him back to new york, uh takes him to the stable and the next night
Jim says hey
Meet me outside in in the stables and tommy's like
Tommy's kind of worried. He's like, oh shit like so worried one
I got arrested while I was supposed to be protecting his his kids two
There's a chance he knows that i'm fucking his wife who i'm also supposed to kind of be hands off on but i'm very hands on
and three
Like if he loses his job, where the fuck else is he gonna is he gonna go now?
They sit down and jim
basically goes hey
Have you been sleeping with my wife?
And tommy goes no. No, I haven't I swear. I mean this kid's like fucking 20 years old at this point
He's just a young kid. He starts crying. Yeah
And jim goes jim goes it doesn't matter i'm i'm getting a divorce from her
and uh
I need all of the money that I can get
I'm planning on selling henry the hawk for
$125,000 depreciating value but
The insurance is for $150,000 on this horse and tommy goes, huh?
What do you mean? Oh now jim jim drucks worked as a defense attorney for an insurance company
So dude has kind of seen some things and he ran a case where they hid death by colic on horses
with electrocution
Now colic is a pretty standard death for horses
And unless a vet does the autopsy report
It's never caught that there's an electrocution back in the 80s
The only sign that it is electrocution is there is a small burn mark
next to the horse's
Where they put a node?
Power a bunch through it now colic itself is where the stomach of the horse twists suddenly
And it basically like in 90% of the cases
It'll kill this horse like instantly and there are no symptoms leading up to it. It's basically just like
A surprise heart attack in a way
So it's a really fucking easy thing to hide unless there's a vet on site tonight. There's not
If it happens if it happens in a stable
Generally, there's not a vet there to do the autopsy
Uh, so he like rolls out this whole fucking diagram
That's this it's like a nicola tesla. Yeah, right that it's basically got like hey
This is where you put it on the horse like the two nodes
Um, and he pretty much well opens this bag. That's like an extension cord
That feeds into two nodes
And you slap one on the horse's ass and the other one I think is a
Two nodes and you slap one on the horse's ass and the other one I think by its heart and you literally just go
Over and plug it into the wall. Jesus. It's
Fuck something he's strung together from the ace hardware. Yeah for real
And he says that must have been the electrician who wired this house
so he says
Tommy I need you to do this
and tommy's kind of not really in a great position right now because
In a place at night with the owner of the farm who's a millionaire
Whose wife he's been fucking for a few months?
Uh, and he works for him. So tommy kind of feels trapped in this situation and he's like, you know what?
Okay, jim, you got it. You got it and he does it. He kills this horse drugs claims the 150,000 insurance
it kind of
It spirals from there
Surprisingly enough really uh tommy kind of just goes downhill when he goes to events
For the drugs family like driving horses there, whatever. He still works for him
People basically call him like
The killer like they're like, oh, yeah, you're the horse killer and he's like, no
Wait, no, no, yeah, because henry the hawk is a well-known name in the equestrian community
And suddenly
It's just dead and the insurance money is claimed right around the same fucking time that jim drucks filed for divorce
It's kind of a strange
strange set of
Plus there are a lot of fucking people that work on these stables
Yeah, they know the tricks they know and they've seen it happen where uh
You know divorces file the horse dies. They get the insurance that tail is old as times. Yeah, exactly
Yeah, exactly
If I were a millionaire, I'd do it. Yeah, and you can write that down
You can take that to the bank so I will never be a millionaire
So yeah, it's
It kind of it pops off
tommy starts
stealing saddles from shows from like rival
Families and he talks about how he's able to take these saddles. He'll take like five of them, right?
He'll drive to Chicago, Illinois and he's able to sell these saddles for like
$5,000 each. Jesus Christ. Can we steal some saddles? Oh fuck we should damn god damn. I'll drive to Chicago for that, right?
I mean at the same place. He's stealing credit card numbers
Selling those he's just like crazy. He's taking fucking cash like dudes. Just he's snagging everything
You can and everybody that works in the stables knows about it
Everyone's like like this fucking thug ass bitch is over here literally
swindling everybody piece of shit
so because
He's he's like, oh, it's not me stealing the saddles. Meanwhile in like his fucking he's got risk. Yeah for saddles sold
It's like a Pontiac Grand Prix which you have it's a two-door
Yes throwing saddles into the backseat like you can see him when they even fucking see these
He's reporting it to the IRS, right? So he gets a call from Jim
That the cops are on his tail. They're like, hey look cops are sniffing around about what happened here with the horse
Because you drew attention to it because you've been stealing you you need to fuck off. You're done. You're done here fuck off figure it out
So still sleeping with the wife. No, no, no
No, he he fucked the pooch on that fuck the horse on that one
uh, so he he dips out and goes to Illinois and stays at a friend's place in a friend's basement and
One day he gets a call from Barney Ward
Really and Barney says hey look Tommy. I know I know what's happened. I know what happened at the stadiums
I know what happened at the equestrian shit
I'll take you back in I'll take you back in we'll get your life on the right track. I got you and
Tommy's like, you know what this guy watched out for me before I shouldn't have left him in the first place
I'll go back. Yeah a rich guy looking out for a
Poorer guy. Yeah, I know where this is for a poor young man. He just so happens to have a horse
Yeah, a poor young man that he hired as a groomer. Yeah, come on, bro
So yeah, Tommy goes back to New York starts working for him
And he starts honestly getting on the right track like he considers this the high point of his life
He's like this is kind of where like I think I was finally doing everything
Right was after he went back to Barney Barney kind of like
Took him out to like little events. They became better friends
He got promoted a few times. He was doing good work
and he's like I felt like I was on the right fucking track finally and
Year later, I think Paul Valier gets in touch with Tommy now Paul Revere
Yeah, Paul. Holy shit. I now Paul is known for being a smooth talker in the equestrian
He got caught
He got caught traveling through time
Because of the lottery he won the lottery and he had to call Tommy to help hide the money
And then Tommy got caught fucking Barney's wife
Trying to win the lottery son of a bitch so Paul is known for being a smooth talker
He's slick
Everybody everybody considers him like a sneaky son of a bitch like he wins
But he makes kind of shady deals with other people when he's selling the winning horses and everything
He's he's a bit of a he's a shady shit. Yeah
So Paul says on the phone
He knows about Henry the Hawk
And he says Tommy. Yeah, everybody does. Yeah, right. He goes. Can you do that for me for $5,000?
And for the cost of one saddle, right? He says it's at the end of his insurance policy
This horse that I have is not going to be sold at the price I paid
And it's like I said with these insurance
setups the horse
Can depreciate it can appreciate in these insurance setups
So like there's a chance you bought it for $150,000 and then this thing wins like 70
Events will say yeah
Suddenly your insurance coverage is it like
Will say
$750,000 and it's become a profitable horse
But people aren't gonna buy it for as much as the insurance premium is
People are gonna buy and try to buy it for less. Yeah, of course only makes sense
So then they could have like a piece of shit worse. Yeah for the insurance. Yeah. Yeah, so
And it's right before an event and he doesn't think that his horse is gonna win this event
And so it's gonna depreciate that value. It's at the peak. Let's do it now do it now get it done
So Tommy does it at the fucking stadium, dude. Damn, that's balls. Um
Right before the event starts same method as before with the plug in the nodes
It goes up to this horse slaps it on plugs it in easy peasy pulls it out
pulls out the ditch the scene fucking things puts in his bag hops in his car gets the fuck out of there and
Easiest 5k he could have made and
Paul collects his like
Let's see
$75,000 what this was is how much Paul was making on this one horse
He collects his insurance settlement pays Tommy and all of a sudden
Horse killing business
Takes the fuck off
He starts word get around and people to start hiring him Paul basically tells friends. Hey if you need somebody to
Insurance fraud I know a guy and so Paul's referring his friends to Tommy and Tommy is doing this
So fucking often he's doing this so many times that he
Maybe killing these horses isn't against the law
there's no way this many people know about me doing this and
I'm still getting away with it. That's quite the justification like it's not a justification
I just think that he's like how the fuck do so many people know that I'm doing this
This is public knowledge that Tommy within the Tom Tommy is being called the sandman
Because he puts horses to sleep
And everybody knows that Tommy shows up and people are like well this horse is fucking dead and he's like
Maybe I'm just like a vet that's putting him down. I don't fucking know like he's he's as confused as as we are
As to why no one has fucking stepped in at this point and say hey making a shitload of money
Why would they step in why why the police aren't here to say hey stop fucking?
Frothing the insurance companies like what the fuck is this?
Tommy's just he's a fucking dumb 20 year old and he's like is it like the shit
This shit must be legal cuz I'm not getting stopped anywhere. I go
He does this 15 fucking times damn. Yeah, that's a lot of horses
15 times without any pushback from anyone
There's like yeah, they're like yeah cool. Not even five grand. He's making
5,000 to 40,000 dollars every time he does
Yeah, he is fucking rolling in it
Yeah, he gets a call from a lady named Donna Brown. She offers him
The only caveat with this one is that this horse had colic
survived and
So the insurance sees that as a pre-existing condition if this horse dies by colic
They can't cash out the the insurance anymore. No, so he has to find a different way to kill them
Yeah, so Donna tells him on the phone. She says I need you to make it look like a natural
Injury, I need you to break one of its legs
So that we can have it put down the vet will check and do the autopsy like normal
We'll see that it's just a broken leg. It gets put down. We got our insurance. I'll pay you the 35
So now he's a horse leg breaker. Yeah, he's yeah
All right
It's so fuck dude that seems more difficult than just electrocuting them. Yeah, but
It's not gonna get it's not gonna get fucking
Insurance payout if it looks like it's colic
Yeah, yeah, and on top of that, uh
Now if they break the leg or whatever the vets not gonna see the little burn
Not an insurance scam. Mm-hmm. Apparently
Tommy shows up at the stadium again, and he runs into a man by the name of Harlow Arley
That is quite the name right
Harlow has worked as a groom for a fucking wife
He has a bit of a drug problem and
When you're working as a groom, you don't have a lot of money
You don't have time to get a second job. All you have time for is fucking coke
Which is what all of the grooms are doing because they're up for 15 hours a day
Yeah, just working that long. Yeah, and it's hard fucking work. Um, so
Tommy walks into the stable Harlow walks up to the table
He he Tommy walks into the stable Harlow walks up to him and he says hey, I know who you are
and Tommy's like fuck and
Basically Harlow goes you got a job that I can help you out with and Tommy's like yeah, I got you
I I've got something we can work out. I actually am here to do one tonight
So, uh, he offers Harlow
$5,000 of the 35k and
And Harlow's like fuck. Yeah, dude. I'm in that night
They sneak up to the stadium and Harlow has a crowbar in hand. I
Would have gone with sledgehammer person. Yeah, right
So he ends up breaking the horse's leg in one swing
horse goes down and
The vet is like
right there
To put it down. Okay, like it's I was like they saw it they witnessed it
Right, like the vet walks around the corner and is like, oh no leg broken
fills out paperwork puts it down and
Tommy and Harlow are both like
Yo, this doesn't feel right and they get the fuck out of there
Like the vet walks out and it basically scares them with how quickly after they break this horse's leg
The vet walks out which fuck these guys regardless. Oh, yeah
So they book it out of there. They hop in Tommy's truck. Tommy's booking it out of the stadium and
They're driving away. They're driving away and just after they get through the gates all the sudden red and blue lights
Right in front. It was a setup
Lights go off Tommy hops out of his car tries to fucking run
Why would you and he gets arrested Tommy's a fucking yeah, that's why I stopped
So he gets arrested now these aren't local police. This is the fucking FBI. Oh
They take him in and as they interview Tommy
They're kind of like how the fuck did he do this by himself? Like there's no way he's done this alone
they end up linking it back to Paul Valier and
He's like the British coming no British are coming. Yeah, right. So
He Valier says he was informed
Tommy would do it
Barney Ward
So set him up. Yep
Tommy agrees to make the deal with the FBI
Basically, the deal that Tommy makes is
To tell them every single thing that they need to know about the FBI
The thing that Tommy makes is to tell them every single fraud case that he's done
All of the details and if anything comes back untrue
He does he does time for every single crime. He admitted to
Which is a lot of fucking time. So Tommy's going into detail. He's telling everything
He never implicates Barney Barney's the one that's been calling him all along. Yeah, you got to go here
Hey, you got to go here
Never even mentions Barney's name and the cops are like or the FBI is like there's no like what the fuck
How how is how is Tommy of all fucking people making these connections? Is he?
Networking at the yeah, that's what he's equestrian events. Like what the fuck is it? It's a rich families
Yeah, he's fucking their wives and then saying hey, I'll kill a horse if you need a fucking deadbeat
Tommy was like like a horse blood on his face is like y'all need a horse killed for insurance fraud
So the FBI actually convinced
Convinces Valere to wear a wire for almost a whole fucking year. Damn
This turns into a major sting operation
Speaks with Barney multiple times. He ends up getting Barney to admit it and
In addition to admitting it Barney also points out that hey if this becomes a bigger problem
I have ways of killing Tommy if
Nice even better. Yeah, so the FBI is like, okay our star fucking
Witness the guy that's made the deal. How are we gonna get this guy?
How are we gonna get him to drop Barney's name?
So they sit down and they go we know one way and they play that fucking tape to Tommy
They sit down they put the cassette in and Tommy hears with his own ears Barney's voice say yeah
I can get Tommy killed if we need to
Tommy breaks the fuck down and
He admits it. He's like it Barney set everything up for me
He's the guy behind all of this like he's he's the mastermind that's been doing all this shit
In fact, there was anything Barney was was charging like a finder's fee
So he's getting paid to more than likely. I mean with how much fucking cash is being thrown around I would
Barney was actually involved in
Was it Brock? I think Bratch
I don't know. There's a woman that was in this equestrian community during this time that Barney made connections with and
Was like hey, I'll sell you this horse for ninety eight thousand dollars
It's normally worth our hundred and fifty K. But the horse is like really fucking not worth any of that
Scams her she buys it and then I don't know all the details and nobody else does because it's unsolved
She dies and fucking disappears during this time period from 1980 to like
1991 they find the body she is gone. She's supposed to hop onto a flight
She doesn't show up on that flight. The dude that's supposed to pick her up is like yeah, I picked her up
everything's a okay and cool and
Everyone was like no, it's fucking not
We don't know where she went after she stopped at the candy store before going to the fucking airport and he's like
Beats the fuck out of me
And then the guy that they were like I think it was him
He dies
Okay, so was Barney for sure like I think it was that dude
And I think Barney set it up to get her killed off because I my guess is that she was probably like hey
You're getting horses killed. Everyone knows it. Yeah, you scam me now. I'm gonna reveal yours. You scammed me
You're also scamming all the insurance companies get fucked Barney
So yeah Barney pays to have her killed off and he's kind of implicated in allegedly. Yeah allegedly
But yeah, he definitely just got got her killed right for sure. So
Yeah, like I said Tommy admits to killing over 15 horses
some cases there was a guy that worked for Barney that
His whole thing was he would find out from
Like let's say he reaches out to one equestrian family and the equestrian family is like hey look
We need a big-ass payout. We've got about
seven horses
We got a stable that's made out of wood do your thing
And so this guy was caught literally burning down stables filled with horses. Jesus. Yeah, Barney is running a fucking
racketeering Empire, bro
So, yeah
But he's rich so he got 20 hours community service
19 people are found guilty in that first investigation
And then Tommy helps the FBI for seven more years and it leads to 30 additional arrests
Whoo-wee. Yeah, so
Fuck Tommy and they all got 20 hours community service. Come on. No, I think
So if a lear served four years of probation, that's it. Oh my god Barney served six years
However, three of those were also probation
Yeah, yeah, and they didn't have to pay anybody back
Yeah, probably probably still still making millions still making billions
So yeah, fuck anybody in the equestrian community
Full stop. Yeah, sorry not sorry
Uh, yeah
Don't like it's such a fucked situation
How many times did did Tommy set up his electrocution device and it was just a lady tied up in a horse costume?
Like wow, that ass is very human slap
Turn plugs it in. Why does this horse have one human tit?
Wow, this horse's tit fell out. That's that's crazy
Oh, Jesus. All right. Here's here's the the conspiracy theory layover from last episode
Tommy definitely killed people and
They Barney had to deal with him. He was like you're gonna kill people
But if we ever get caught you're just gonna admit to the horses and I'm gonna implicate myself cuz I won't get time
No, no, I'll implicate myself
For the next episode
I'll implicate myself cuz I won't get time. No, no, I'll implicate myself
For the for saying I can get rid of you and then you can come clean and break it down
But we'll cover up the the humans for sure. I know the I know the conspiracy all of this happened
And while it was going on
Ronald Reagan knew he introduced it
He introduced trickle-down economics because of the cash flow that was in the equestrian communities pockets
They were like, hey, we have so much money. We can't keep
defrauding the insurance industry because you know that hurts you mr. President and
Ronald Reagan was like look I got I got a setup for you start a couple businesses and in a few years
You guys are gonna be worth billions. Let me teach you a little something about the the Cayman Islands and
Panama that I'm gonna write into this tax code. Let's do this
Yeah, it was all Reagan
Always is the Barney he got his leads from someone who went by our yeah
I know I said Barney Ward, but Ward was his middle name last name already were Reagan Reagan
Shit oh
Again Al thank you so fucking much for sending this along. There's another link that you've sent
I plan on doing that
very very soon
Keep sending this shit like this is phenomenal and I appreciate it
and if
You guys ever have any ideas or you read something that sounds less show worthy send it along