Dee talks about some guy who is NOT John Wayne Gacy who almost died, then DISASTER strikes in the PP studio.
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Dee talks about some guy who is NOT John Wayne Gacy who almost died, then DISASTER strikes in the PP studio.
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I don't got time to mark this motherfucker. Here we go again. We can't hear anybody. Nobody can talk to anybody
You guessed it pressure points with your two favorite hosts I'm D and this is my donkey boy AJ
We're coming at you with season 6 episode 4 no arms. No problem
You know what it's a survival story today, so strap in get ready and find us on Instagram at points. Oh pressure
Let's get to it cuties
Well turn the fucking thing off you dumbass first one of the season we're here for it
Yeah, I I mean if you don't have uh if you're not subscribed to us on patreon. I was shamed in the last episode
For not having a survival story ready
So here we are
Yeah, yeah, and he got it. He listens to the whims of those yes, you know of those of one fan of one fan
Yeah, of those we are beholden to one of them
So yeah, it's uh, it's gonna be good one today. How was your week? How was your clinical?
It's been it's been busy that clinical was so long ago. Oh, yeah, so I was in postpartum
I was in postpartum. We had four patients. We discharged three of them
the fourth one was totally fine, but wanted to stay because
You know kid needed a little bit more time
So they sent home the nurse I was with I just stayed and just did homework
fucking piddled I did the entire week of homework besides the the
Assignment that I'm doing right now. Damn not bad, and it's mostly done. I'm just kind of arranging
Well, I mean point as we're doing this. It's my episode. So you're not gonna pay attention. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, it works. Yeah
Oh good. Shit your week you do anything fun?
I mean
Yeah, we fucking had it. I don't know if you remember this but yesterday we you me and
the Goyles
Had a double date. I don't know if you remember. No. No, I don't remember this at all. You'll have to tell me all about it
No, we fucking went out and we watched that new am I Shyamalan movie?
She I'm a I don't know. It's Shyamalan
Knock at the cabin door knock at the cabin door with Dave Petitza. Yeah fucking and Rupert Grint
Yeah, and I'm a guy easily and the guy from mind hunter
Yeah, but you realize like an hour after the movie. Yeah, uh, yeah good movie
Obviously if you've read the book, I read the differences between the two. Mm-hmm a little different like
Yeah, definitely a different like more it leaves you with more ambiguity in the book
Yeah, that's what I heard
I'll tell you about him after so they don't spoil it for anybody that wants to go see it. Honestly, I thought he was interesting
It's it's definitely not like if you're really really tired. Don't go see it because it's it's a lot of
Dialogue, but it's still really fucking riveting and good. Yeah, I liked it. I I think I'm glad I saw it in the theater
Yeah, it's probably one of those movies
Would I go out and watch it again if someone's paying if someone's like hey come watch this, okay
But I don't know if I'll seek it out again because you know, those movies are kind of anything by M night Shyamalan
It's kind of like a one-and-done because you kind of know what they're going for towards the end
Yes, that's kind of how he makes his movies. I feel like the only thing would be like
Maybe like the first like opening credits scene
I feel like they had a few little like not spoilers, but little Easter eggs and the
opening credits when they're showing the
Newspapers, but pass that it's it really is one where it's like once you figure out the twist
You're like, okay. Well cool now. I know awesome good stories over great job
But yeah still worth a watch like yeah, yeah, it was very well done. If you don't go see it in theaters
It's it's not like watching on net. It's not one where it's like, oh I have to have
Dolby digital surround sound like it's it's still a good watch
Dave Batista though, dude. Holy shit. I every time I see that dude in another newer movie. I like him more
I think like he did a phenomenal job being like he was very emotional. He was very
Settling well not really know what the fuck is going on just because of you know how he looks with the tattoos and be a huge
Super unsettling but at the same time they also gentle giant thing
I think I really liked about his casting and I know this is like we're not a fucking movie review podcast
Yeah, but fuck you. I like movies. Yeah movies are fun movie review podcast. Yeah
It'll be like the first five minutes of every episode
Yeah, and then we'll just end up cutting it. Um
but I feel like
They didn't rely on his size
Yeah, yeah, like it wasn't it wasn't like
Like they could have cast
anybody else in that role
And it would have worked but his performance is what worked not like it's not like he was the big guy
Yeah, yeah, it's it's not like any the rock movie
Yeah, where they hire him to be a big guy to be the big big intimidating dude
It was like you could have cast fucking like Harry Styles and dude could have done the same performance
Well, you're not the same performance. They could have done the same role. It wasn't character
It was not dependent on on size looks at all. Yeah, but it definitely helped
Yeah, it helps like yeah, yeah, but good by all means check it out
I got aging into a Nike store a fucking Corpo store
No, I got a force it forced you to buy something good job. How you like it was on clearance
How you wearing it? Oh, it was so comfortable. I'm gonna wear to my clinical tomorrow because it's the same color as my scrubs
Oh hell yeah, so I can get away with it. Good shit. I should wear my crocs. Yeah, you should as well do it
No, great. You're a hospital. Are you shitting me the second that happens? I'm gonna get blood shit
Just just wrap them in wrap your feet in saran wrap. That'll be okay. Oh, yeah being on your feet
Very sweaty and no, it'll be fine blistery. Maybe you're a dry boy. You don't see yeah, not at all
But yeah, uh
It was a good time yeah, it was good we walked around a little bit had some din-dins
For a little bit had some some white girl white girls didn't dinner. Yeah
Surprisingly filled ourselves up on a white girl food. So yeah, but yeah, no, no we had a blast
Nice little sandwich and salad. Oh, yeah, you gotta get that half half cob
She was good though. No, it was all right. Well, let's get in. Well, I guess we'll get into it
So arms or something like so is this an anti-gun?
Gun survival story. Yes, no arms. No problem. Yeah. Yep. No, no bearing of your arms
No, problem. What is this? What is this some kind of communist authoritarian regime?
All right, so to start it off in a very positive light and along the same lines John Wayne Thompson
What a name? Yeah, you better believe he was named after John Wayne the actor
So he's John Wayne Thompson is an 18 year old kid
living in North Dakota in
1992 mind you
This whole episode is gonna happen in January in North Dakota
Like this shit is what year?
It's a fucking it's cold, man. Yeah
So, uh, like I said, he's named after John Wayne the actor if you would like an interesting story on John Wayne
Oh, yeah, check out the st. George that the King of st. George
Destructor. Yes, it's like season two destroyer of st. George st. George's destroyer something like that. Look at it. It's good though. Look it up
Wild story has nothing to do with this though. No nothing at all now
Worked on didn't work on but his family obviously they're in North Dakota in the 90s. So you live on a
On a farm. Yeah, it's not a code. I mean that's today
So, I mean pretty standard stuff it's not like this huge industrial farm or anything. It's not like they have like
400 fucking acres of land or whatever
It's kind of just like a small
Family esque thing so
John's regular days are like tending pigs working on the tractor fucking
Tilling the fields picking cotton, whatever. I don't fucking know what they grow there. So on
Yeah corn so
Probably corn to feed the pigs. I would assume so on January 11th
John's feeding the pigs and I mean, it's just another fucking standard day
The family dog is with John and so John's kind of playing with him while he's feeding the pigs
Like I said normal day
John I think he just had I think he was an only child. I'm not positive if he had siblings
But the rest of the family is out
John didn't finish his fucking chores in time. So he had to stay god damn it John and feed the piggos
So yeah, I mean
normal fucking day dogs hanging out feeding the pigs isn't generally this
taxing like
You need to be locked in when feeding the pigs task
So yeah, John's fucking around playing with the dog a little bit dumping dumping shit into the feeder
But feeding the pigs
Like it's it's
A little weird like I mean not weird, but they've got one of those fucking pig feed augers
So they have if you don't know what they look like. It's okay
I had to look up look it up on google images. So don't feel ashamed if you have to as well now
the pig feed auger is basically like
You empty the feed into this funnel and then you have to feed the feed
Into this funnel and then it goes into like the actual motor that kind of helps break up pieces of it. It's cold
It's fucking january. So okay rather than just dumb is kind of from yeah. Yeah, you're not yeah
It's not like walking over and just throwing literal
Garbage into pig troughs like they have a system for it
Um, so you dump it into the funnel the funnel feeds into this part that kind of twists around
It's called like the what was it? Uh, I wrote it down somewhere
It's like the pto. It's like a fucking motor shaft
That it goes into that helps break it up so that it can fit into the auger
Piece that feeds it through the tubes. Now if you don't know what an auger is also, okay
Spinny drill bit. Yeah, imagine imagine like a pipe that has like a
spiral coil around it
It as it twists it'll basically like push stuff forward kind of acts as like a
propeller in a way
But instead of air it's yeah pushing it pushing pig feed out and it's so that it can lift it upwards
If that makes any sense
Just google auger
Feed auger. Yeah, and if you still don't get it listen
Am I really bad description? Oh it works it works
Uh like most home run farm equipment
These don't go through like regular every like quarter
Safety checks or anything. No, it's north dakota. It's fucking checks are communist. It's north dakota
It's the 90s
And it's a home run farm like they're not
corn to like kroger for god's sakes so
Obviously things are gonna go a little bit overlooked
I'm not gonna shame anybody for that. We should probably have a fucking guard over the
Table saw that we who gives a fuck. It's weird. I actually removed the guard from oh you did. Yeah
Because it's trash it was such trash. Yeah, see that's what I mean is it's like it's it's
You don't have to go through all these fucking like osha safety checks to own this stuff
No, it's really easy. You own your own fucking thing
You teach the people that are using it how to use it without like killing themselves and generally you're okay
No, the saw that we have actually came without the guard attached like it wasn't installed
It was just on the side and they were like hey install it. You should install this and you're like, okay
We are not liable if you do not. Yeah, you just toss it out the window. We get some fuck. Yeah, exactly
Um, but that being said if you do own some of that crazy equipment be fucking safe with it. Don't be an idiot
Because we like having you as a listener and if you die using that equipment
We don't have you as a listener anymore. So yeah, and that sucks. Yeah for us and maybe you yeah
Uh, usually on every other day of the week john has his shirt tucked into his his blue jeans
Uh, but since he's playing around with the dog his shirt probably got a little bit loose now while he's turned away
His shirt gets past an area that would normally have a safety shield in most other situations
And he gets wrapped up around the pto which stands for power takeoff shaft. There will be a quiz afterwards
Oh, very good. Take notes. Uh, so his shirt gets wrapped up in the power takeoff shaft, which is in that like motorized area
And I mean this isn't like a small pig setup or a small pig
Pig auger setup. It's a fairly big machine
and uh, so his shirt gets caught in it and
and the last thing that john can remember from
before all of this
him spinning around the fucking shaft
if you've seen
other auger videos on live leak of russian men working in factories next to
Uh, just yeah, I mean metal shops. Yeah metal like dude metal lathes are crazy. Yeah, dude like
That shit will turn you to a mist fast as fuck
Um, so yeah john gets pulled into this thing spun around like like crazy
and uh
He fucking blacks out from the pain from the blood loss, whatever
And the next thing he knows is waking up and his dog is
Sitting there just fucking licking his face
And john's like what the fuck like groggy as shit goes to push the dog away
But he can't
Um both of john's arms were torn off just below the shoulder
Nice, uh each side both arms
Strewn about in the room. They're still intact, but like that shit's it's pretty fucked up. Yeah, so
john john kind of sits back and is like
well fuck
Yeah, he's leaning up against a tractor tire sits back puts his head against him. He's like
How the hell do I get out of this goddamn mess? So the pigs are already feeding his arms pigs are already fucking those are gone. No, uh
So he leans himself back against the tractor tire
Props himself up on his two legs and this is a farm like
Neighbors are fucking miles away
Stumbles out of the little farm and his house is about 100 yards away
So fucking armless
John stumbles over to the house
Uh, he can't he can't get in because he can't turn the doorknob, right? That is his that is his biggest
Step one get inside the house
How long does it take to get inside the house?
Step one get inside the house. How the fuck are you gonna get in the house aj?
Kick the door
I don't know. You don't have any arms. How are you gonna get into your fucking house?
Doors are closed. It's fucking january like kick a window windows aren't open or anything
You're just gonna break open a window fucking climb through. That's fair. I mean project zombo. Yeah, it's a fair point
Kick out a window, uh john
He goes a little bit more simple, uh john's john's a little more thoughtful about the things his parents own
Just i'm just kidding. But john actually
uh goes up to the fucking door
Grabs onto the doorknob with his mouth and fucking twists and opens the door
Can you imagine imagine so when I read that I thought about the whole like
Light bulb challenge that people were doing where they'd get fucking lockjaw and I was like that shit
That's what would happen to me
I would happen to have like two large of a doorknob and my mouth would get stuck on it and I would just fucking bleed
Out with my mouth wrapped around the door
My parents get home and they're like what the fuck and i'm just armless hanging on the doorknob
So we speaking of which we need to you know, the thumbprint scanner on the back door here
We need to imprint our nose tips into it just in case just to be safe
Just in case we lose an arm or both our our arms or you just pick up your arm with your mouth and then
Hey, there you go. Slap it on there. Bada bing. That'll work
So yeah twist the fucking doorknob with his mouth
Gets inside
Now his next big problem is calling 911
And it's 1992 so you don't have these fucking
Fancy you don't have them fancy fancy apple iphones to get a touch to use your nose to dial the phone
Hell no. So what are you gonna do? Not in my america? What are you gonna do?
How the fuck are you gonna call 911? So it's a landline probably
Probably up on the wall. So you knock it off
Yep with your face and then you you pick 911 with your nose
so uh
John takes a little bit extra time doing this. Of course. I don't agree. I don't agree with his approach
but I mean it's effective if maybe you have like a
A big wide nose or something. So john actually goes and picks up a pencil with his mouth
And pushes the pushes the keys. I mean, all right, it works. It works. Yeah
uh, and then
after the call
You know john is the most fucking thoughtful dude. I swear. Yeah, how kind of him is this? No, just wait for it. So
after the call
Uh john is he's starting to realize that he's bleeding out pretty fucking badly. Yeah, no shit. He's delirious
Yeah, he's he literally that's why he's taking so much time. He's
With every heartbeat. Yeah
Out both arms not just like one spot
um, and he realizes
That he's standing
In the same room that his mom just had
She just got new fucking carpet. So john's like, oh my god. I can't how the hell do you get blood out of carpet?
This is that's a complicated process. So he thinks I know
I'll just go sit down in the bathtub. I'll keep all my blood in the bathroom. How nice
I'll keep it off of mom's new carpet. That way they don't have stains of me to remember forever
After I fucking die of blood loss and then the police walk in he's in the bathtub full of blood dead
Suicide he tore off both of his arms. He tore off the second arm with his teeth and threw it in the barn
Yeah, john fucking stumbles into the bathroom sits down in the bathtub, but
On the way to the bathroom john makes a very painful mistake
uh, he has
a fucking
a fucking nerve ending hanging out of his arm
and he
Bumps into the fucking counter
And this is I cannot imagine. Oh my god, dude
I've recently read about like fucking loose nerve endings and shit
That stuff
It makes my skin crawl more than like oh a splinter up under your finger. No, no, that's fine
Yeah, I would I would take that in all ten fingers and all ten toes before one nerve bumping into one exposed nerve ending and just like
Smashing that with my body weight against a fucking like countertop
Yeah, he bumps into this fucking countertop and his mind just starts fucking I mean this is
The most pain you'll experience like imagine
Imagine if you will both of your arms have been removed
That's painful enough. Yeah, that's a that's painful enough, but you go into shock
The thing is like his arms his arms are gone and he's still still able to go
He bumps this fucking nerve ending in his brain. Yeah, like he starts getting fucking dizzy
He's like i'm gonna faint. This is fucking miserable. The dude doesn't have any fucking arms
Like his arms were on his body five minutes ago and a nerve ending
Bumped is the worst fucking pain you'll ever have so he stumbles into the fucking bathtub
He's getting dizzy as shit. It might have to do with all the lost blood might have to do with bumping the nerve ending
But he basically like he doesn't pass out, but he's just fucking woozy as shit in that tub
Bleeding out. He's having a nice little bloodbath
um and
The emt's show up
They pick him up and he remembers on the drive like to the the er
Uh, he's getting mad at him because they're cutting off his fucking cowboy boots and he's like I just bought these
These are brand new and it's like bro. These things are probably full of blood
They gotta make sure everything else is okay. You got sucked into a fucking
Like auger dude, they gotta make sure everything's good. I'm sure that his legs aren't in tip-top shape either
Uh, so yeah, he's getting all pissed off at him for cutting off his cowboy boots
They're saying like dude, there is literally no fucking blood in you
How the fuck are you alive and he's over here on on the bed in the in the ambulance and he's like
Oh shit, you gotta turn around. I think I left the fucking tractor on like this dude
Is he an idiot or is he considerate? It's your vote yet. I can't tell
and he looks over and he realizes that there's one one emt there that has
Like a fucking black garbage bag
And he's like what the fuck I know what's in that bag and it's got it. I mean, yeah, it's got his fucking arms in there
so, uh
He gets laid down on a table in the emergency room and he remembers his arms being like a couple feet above his head
And he like I can't even imagine like the phantom
Pains that you would have I can't yeah with your arms like you can see them
Yeah, you have seen them, you know, they're in the same room
They're not there but you can still feel them like I fucking crazy, but I also don't know
How quickly like that stuff ascends on your mind? There's a lot of trauma going on right there. Holy shit, uh, so
Yeah, they load him onto a plane to rush him to minneapolis because I mean it's north there's no fucking there are no doctors in
North Dakota dude. All there is is a homie down the road who can suck the snakebite venom out your penis
There's a guy who knows how to put a pig intestine back into a pig and that's it
Yeah, that's that's as far as it goes. That's the extent of medicine in North Dakota right now
Uh in 2023 as well
So, uh, yeah, they put him on a plane to fucking minneapolis and John
If you haven't noticed up to this point is uh
He's led a fairly simple life. So this is John's first
First time in minneapolis? First flight. How nice. First time flying anywhere
And he's uh, he's a little nervous, but he's also really excited
And so he turns to the EMTs and he's like, hey, they gave him morphine at this point, right?
He's probably I'm sure that's why he's so excited. Yeah, so they're like
We're gonna fly you out and he turns to him
He's like, can you prop me up so I can watch out the window while we fly and they're like no
You're gonna pass out. You're gonna deprive your brain of blood. It's gonna be amazing if you survive
the flight to minneapolis and so he's
He's fucking butthurt about that. He's like I can't look out the window my first flight like dude
You're gonna have plenty more. It'll be fine if you could survive this
He starts telling the med staff. He's like my arms are really cold. My arms are cold
Yeah, no shit and they're like dude. You don't have any fucking arms. They're not cold
They you don't have them and he's like, I know but they're freezing and homeboy says
They're freezing because they're on ice in the front of the plane. Oh my god, dude's making jokes
He's high as shit and he's making jokes. That's great. Mike. What the fuck? I would be passed out
Strictly from like terror. It wouldn't even be pain. I'd be like this is the end
Even if they get these things back on I don't want them. Just kill me. I
Had to spend time without an appendage. I'm out
And so he he's making fucking dad jokes all the way to minneapolis
Uh, they arrive at north memorial hospital and they managed to get his his arms reattached. Damn
Uh, the biggest caveat though is that
during recovery
They have to put him into a coma because like you're not going to be able to recover your arms if you're
For a month like you you can't move your fucking arms
You can't but the instinct to move your arms is gonna be and it's there when you're sleeping like it's not just like oh
You're awake all day and will like
Fasten your arms in place so that you can't move them like you move any part of your body your arms are gonna react
So yeah, they throw them into a fucking month-long coma
The other thing is that a lot of his motor movement is gone. So he obviously
That's gonna be the case, but he has to go through months of
therapy and
To this day isn't able to like open his hand for like
Normal shit, but he can still like move his arms move his wrists and everything. He just doesn't have fine motor function
I mean, that's pretty pretty pretty obvious. I mean at this point
It's just a fucking miracle that the dude is alive
Like if he didn't have arms, it would be like, okay. Wow
What a survival story the fact that he has use of said removed arms
That are his own and not off of a fucking like cadaver that somebody sold
A year before that have been on ice
So yeah, I call it a win. Yeah, I think that's a double. Yeah
Uh, let's see. However during his month-long coma. Oh shit
During his month-long coma. He actually gets a massive massive blood infection
Oh, yeah from all the pig feet that was forced into his body
It's just just pig feet stuck in some of the veins and then slapped it back on there and they super glued his arms back
Yeah, they didn't
They didn't use any kind of antiseptic at all
They just jammed the arms back there and take it out and they just
They just jammed the arms back there and taped them on
That's why they had to take him to Minneapolis because the North Dakota doctor just duct taped him back on it was like
It'll grow together. It'll be fine. Be like that lizard tail. I'm back to work on monday
Be like that lizard tail pulled off a few years ago
so and uh
Yeah, so he has his massive blood infection almost fucking dies while in a coma
Uh, but he makes it out
And over the next couple of months
I mean, this is the 90s. They run fucking wild with this story. Oh, i'm sure yeah
Uh, and I don't blame them like it is a really crazy story of somebody
Surviving just by like a tragic farm accident. How many stories, you know of people that lost both of their arms?
And managed to still survive and get both arms back
Uh, not many right, uh cameras and fucking reporters and everybody journalists are going crazy
Uh, the boy who lived
Oh nice manages to survive and make it to his high school graduation in may 1992
uh, and
We'll get into that part but like
It's just it's a madhouse at his school, uh
They like record the whole thing. It's like i'm sure that's exactly what he wants national news and shit
They'll show the whole fucking everyone in the nation will go crazy when
John wane thompson walks through and accepts his diploma for this
Yeah for real like it feels like american propaganda. Yeah, I mean, yeah, uh now
After he graduates he actually gets flown out to dc
Uh, and he meets the clintons
Uh, yeah, uh bill was planning on asking him for a hand job but realized
Okay, so
The fucking power went out last night if you notice the uh audio got a little fucky there. It's because
It has been 24 hours since agi and I last sat down across
from one another at this table
Uh, it's been a fun night. It is me. It has been a very stressful shitty day
Because I probably could have checked on this but I was like, I know you have your clinical
So I was like i'm not gonna text you and be like, hey, what's the password for the the fucking computer?
I'm pretty sure you have it saved. No, I deleted the message after you sent it to me before. I mean, that's good
Thank you for doing that. I appreciate that. Uh
But yeah, so all day i've been like i'm just gonna wait for him to get home
And let's he can pull it up and we'll find out if we have to rerecord everything
As you can tell we didn't have to thank god
Fucking what program is this adobe audition? Yeah better than can you imagine?
If we were still on audacity if audacity hadn't fucked us over like six months ago
This would have been bad. This would have been a way worse night
Yeah, we we only lost about five minutes rather than the entire episode
Yeah, which we we were expecting to have lost the entire episode and I was like
I don't know how to rerecord this bullshit
Yeah, so apparently the there was a a power surge or flicker of sorts
We didn't notice it a couple minutes passed by another one happened where everything shut down
We panicked and then the power was out until like 3 30 in the goddamn morning and I was up until then
Yep, I was up till five just like
Fuck I I was able to
Truly fall asleep once the power came back on and then I was up to be at my clinical at 5 30
Which got him from the clinical did my my standard hour and a half to two hour post clinical nap
Yeah, I got some mental health homework that I had to do
Tonight that I'm just gonna write it on myself. So you did I'm going through a mental
Mental health break right now. You got your stuff submitted last night. Oh my god. I totally forgot about that. See that that's how like
Crazy. This has been so last night
During the episode I was just like I had finished all my writing but I had to arrange it all into a powerpoint
So I was doing I was arranging a powerpoint during the episode
The power shut off my laptop was off. I was like, okay, I'm gonna write it down
I'm gonna write it off. My laptop was already running on battery and it's got like a 30 60 in there
So it does not last long on battery. I feel that I'm panicking. I'm like, I gotta finish this
As quick as possible battery power on this is like fucking two minutes. I got I got 10 minutes max and there's no internet
I got to hook up my phone
And I did get that one turned in. I'm probably gonna get 50% on that and it's worth 20% my grade
So I'll get I'll pass you definitely reach out and be like my power went out halfway through this
So I wasn't able to fully go back through and now i'm not gonna say a single word
Because if I say something they'll actually read it
Oh, I texted my boss last night and I was like, hey power's out. I might not be working tomorrow
Power came back on at 3 30. I woke up at like eight
And was like, huh power's been fine and I called in I call and they're like, please provide your name
the date the reason for uh, your call and your supervisor's name
And I I fucked it up so bad like they tell me and I just hang up
And then I called back so I was like, okay one. I need to check the date
What's my fucking why did you choose to wake and bake before you called?
I didn't I wish I had but called and like gave everything in like the worst fucking way
And uh, you're like, what's my name?
Yeah, it's like, uh d a j from pp d something
It's monday february 6th
Monday february 7th my reason, uh, I don't have power
It was like and it's like me just waking up. So i'm like, oh my god
Yeah, that's exactly it
It's monday the 6th of february
February, uh, I don't have um power internet and
This is my matters name and I just hung up
nice whatever
But yeah, so I got the day off slept in the latest fuck because I fell asleep
Like on the wrong side of early. Yeah. Okay, so
To pick up where we left off, uh
Sorry that this feels really
disjointed and
You guys were locked into the episode and then all of a sudden you're not
He goes to
Meet the clintons in dc. Like I said
Um, uh insert about five minutes of blowjob jokes that we did last night bill clinton blowjob jokes bill clinton sexual
Uh harassment jokes. Yeah hand jobs under the fucking oval office table
Yeah, all sorts of shit, uh, and
He ends up actually singing the national anthem at the start of a minnesota twins game
And he gets to meet his favorite player
kirby bucket
Yeah, real fucking name and it really rolls of course, of course john wayne thompson is a fan of like he's like
My old time favorite players kirby bucket. I don't know who kirby bucket is
Because i'm sure there are people that are like wow, he changed the game. Fuck you. Um, okay
So, uh during an interview with john in 2021
A bit of a time skip. Wow. Yeah, I forgot this happened in the 90s. Yeah
Uh, he barely remembers
any of this
Um, oh, I bet the whole that whole time period is a blur
I bet they they were like head trauma doesn't exist and doesn't cause memory problems
Yeah, the amount of fucking blood loss that he went through plus the blood loss
Infection the blood infection plus all the trauma to the brain. Oh my god. Yeah, dude. Remember he spun around
Yeah, yeah, it's like boom boom boom. That's a brain. That brain is just sloshing in there. Oh, yeah
Uh, like but yeah, he doesn't vodka. He doesn't remember meeting the clintons. He doesn't remember his high school graduation
He does not remember
the like twins game
their interviews on like
The 60 minutes that he doesn't remember because 60 minutes is the big fucking thing in the 90s
There's like I can't even imagine
How much his fucking body went through during that time a lot of trauma, uh
So, uh, he ends up like during around this time shortly after like he remembers
What i'm gonna talk about here because this is what he talks about in the the interviewer that I read of him
Uh, he ended up speaking all over the country doing like motivational speak speeches
Hey, if you lose your arms, this is what you can do with survival speeches, whatever
Uh in any of the money that he made
He sent over to the united blood services because he was like they are what saved my life
It was like without damn like bro. He's like blood was
He's like blood was what I needed even if they didn't get my arms back on my body
If I didn't have blood donations, I would have fucking died. Yeah, so
Do blood donation do do you shouldn't you really should?
And about 10 years after the incident. He wrote a book called home in one piece
Uh, which he was not home in one piece. Well, he came home in one piece, but he left home in three pieces
He left a lot of nerve tissue around
And he actually has plans to make his experience into a movie, but that one's
Kind of iffy my guess is that it's just like a quick little how I survived tidbit
That's probably what will get picked up. It's going to be a youtube original
Hulu original
His story actually saved a kid in arkansas who uh, this kid got his hands sucked into a uh,
Chicken feed and it like ground them up to fucking nothing. Yeah
um the kid initially was like the kid was like 11 or 12 years old, I think
And after it happened the kid just like sat down in the chicken coop and was like
Well, this is how I died like there's a door there. How the fuck do I get out?
But you remembered the story of ah john wane
Dean thompson and so he used his mouth to open up the door
Uh, which strangely had a fucking dildo instead of a handle. I don't know. Yeah, you had to come to
To open for some reason I probably shouldn't make a fucking dildo joke about 11 or 12 year old kid. Never mind
I rescind that it was a normal door handle. It was a normal door normal door handle French door
It was a french door. He was very wealthy. Yeah, uh, it's it's been a fucking it's been a day for my brain
Sorry about that. Oh my god. So, uh, yeah the kid managed to fucking save himself as well
But I highly doubt they were able to put his hands back on maybe
probably not and
Yeah, uh at a book signing. This is my favorite part of the whole interview at a book signing this fucking guy tried to fight john
John wouldn't shake his hand the guy walks up and no shit
He's like shake his hand and john's like I can't like I'm not gonna shake your hand because he can't open his fucking hands, dude
Are you gonna do limp fish me? Yeah, he I guess he's had like a handful of oh
He's had a couple of people like get just super shitty
About you got two arms that ain't broken little things. Yeah
But yeah the story of fucking john wane thompson
I love the amount of times i've wanted to say john wane gasey in so many times. Yeah
I thought that every time you've said his name
I go john wane and my brain's like thompson thompson thompson thompson thompson thompson thompson thompson gasey gasey gasey
I'm like, oh fuck that god fuck
Um, so yeah, that's the episode. We fucking did it. We're sorry. I mean, i'm not terribly sorry that it's a day late
No, i'm sorry. It's a day late. It's just an unfortunate circumstance
sucks, yeah the uh
The weather fucking sucks. Yeah, except I feel like this is gonna be kind of a
normal occurrence with the way the uh
Environment is headed. I hope not. I don't know a lot about it, but there were it was thousands of people were impacted
And it was a problem with a substation. So
There was a car accident
This is a fucking neo nazis again. Maybe it's a neo nazis in north north carolina
Oh fucking utah neo nazis
um, but yeah
Sorry that this came out a little bit late, but thank you for sticking around and listening to it on tuesday
This is what? Yeah, this is what happens
When you peer pressure d into doing a topic that he's not ready for
You got peer pressure to do a survival story. Yeah, and now power wouldn't have fucking gone out
My might did us my sweet lord baby
Jesus wouldn't have done this to me if I had gotten to choose my own topic
But instead I was shamed. I was six pounds six pounds two ounce bearded baby. Jesus
Out in the manger with the donkey and a zebra or something. Uh, yeah, this wouldn't happen if I didn't yeah if I wasn't
legally and
Obligated and forced into doing a survival story, you know who the fuck you are
All right. You got
This is gonna be short sweet and to the point forward slash points of pressure
extra episode a month bunch of extra
other stuff too, uh
We got the board
I had to open it the chair people, of course
Uh, they they make all the decisions. So if you don't like the direction this episode took we cleared it with them first
Yeah, this was their idea and one other person. Yeah, so
nordic thunder mini d and toddle waddle. Thank you guys for uh for being chair peoples and
Messaging me when I upload empty files
Let's hope that doesn't happen this time. And then of course we've got abby aj's third nut thomas dark runner d's nuts and lara robo
Thank you guys so much for supporting us even when we have these little bumps
Thank you for trying to keep the lights on in the place. Yes. Thank you for doing everything you can to keep the lights on
And as always if you have any recommendations for anything books movies TV shows music
Articles show ideas what the fuck ever if you just need somebody to talk to you by all means
reach out to us on Instagram at points of pressure or email us at
ppd n aj at and we will catch you guys next Monday if the power is willing