Today we follow Rob and Wagner on their incredible urbex adventure, where the discover love, truth, and listeria.
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Today we follow Rob and Wagner on their incredible urbex adventure, where the discover love, truth, and listeria.
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I don't got time to mark this motherfucker. Here we go again. We can't hear anybody. Nobody can talk to anybody
You guessed it pressure points with your two favorite house I'm D and this is not native
We're coming at you at season 6 episode 6
Gwenya's food poisoning I'm talking about one of the craziest things that happened in South America in 1987
Find us on Instagram and Twitter at points. Oh pressure
Well turn the fucking thing off you dumbass
This entire intro is cursed. I told you it would still be funny the second
Oh, no, it was funny because the second you hit the music you punch the table. I don't know what that noise was
To the table underneath your microphone
So this is our second take because nothing
Okay, so we're fucking here I'm
I'm I gotta track that down and post it on to our oh, yeah
The business account god
Shit, so welcome back welcome. It's
It's been a
Week an interesting 30 minutes that we've been together. Yeah. Oh
How was your week?
You know, I just
I let's say it was good one of my teachers put a test down as a zero when I got 74%
They haven't emailed me back yet, but fuck
But they will cuz I got screenshots. Yeah, I will destroy them
They don't do that shit
Yeah, and also
74 is the high in the class
Oh Jesus
Damn well
Congratulations on your high score. Oh, thank you
Oh, thank you
Good glad that was a good week
Yeah, yeah, not too bad. How about yours?
Jim was good. Had a buddy come from out of town on my face
Is it just for the the evening? Yeah. Well, yeah Kim overstayed the night. We fucking just took it easy
Had some good gin and tonics. I convinced AJ how good G and T's can be
Yeah, that was surprisingly good. Yeah good gin makes a big difference
Yeah for those of you turns out to have drinks
But yeah pass that fairly low-key
Fucking week. Nice. That's the best. Yeah, not too bad. Nice. I'm getting ready for the next one. I've got two finals
two days
You're almost at midterm, right? Yeah, so one of my classes is eight weeks and I'll yeah
we'll be finishing that off what's more of a paper, but it's still a final and then
Maternal newborn is ending and Peds is starting. Yay
Like, you know how much I love children pediatrics. Yeah, there's children
Yeah, I'm learning how to care for pediatricians. It's like I was like, I don't know what the word is but pediatricians
That's what they do
Okay. Yeah, and I know how much you love not infants, but little kids like I know how much you love eight-year-olds
You need to be very careful with what you're saying right now
You're only gonna have like that specific age group tomorrow and they're gonna find this
You're applying for nursing for a fucking job. I'm like, so they better not what's this about this eight-year-old joke? Yeah, AJ
Okay. Yeah Valentine's Day. Oh, yeah special. I just barely remembered they I did not get cheesecake
Yeah, me neither me like what the fuck despite despite telling her about the cheesecake cake story
two days before
Valentine's Day
No cheesecake
So I guess you can say AJ and I are available
Yeah, we're we're both back on on Twinder
Where that's where you that word for twins? Oh
twins twink twin twinks twink twins twink twins. We're only looking for
Twinktons, so yeah
Yeah, clearly we've had the worst Valentine's Day all time up to this point
Yeah, I'll just jump right into it. No, don't um, I
We did a recent
Actually, I'm not even a reference it until later on in the show because it'll give something away. So in 1987
Robert De Santos Alves and his buddy Wagner
Mota Pereira
And I'm just gonna call him Robin Wagner because that shit's way easier for me
Alright, they they heard word of an abandoned building
in the center of Guenya
Brazil now if you want to look this up, it's G. Oh I a N I a
Guenya Brazil
Inside there's this machine. Nobody really knows what the fuck it is or what it does
It's just this abandoned building with a very
new nice looking machine in it and so
This this building has been abandoned for about two years up to this point
And it hasn't had all the copper stripped out of it and that's not in Utah
Well, the main reason why this hasn't been completely stripped is because you need really fucking specific tools to crack this bitch
Oh, like it's almost like an alien device and yeah, it's just it's just a technical kind of device
Yeah, so it's more than busting a hole in the drywall and just taking out the copper cord wiggling and pulling
Okay. Yeah, so it's some salvage work
now a lot of a lot of homeless people in the area will use this building for
like a place of shelter for the night and
Robin Wagner get as many tools as they can together and
They sneak over on Sunday, September 13th
The machine was designed in a way that like I said you need really really specific
Tools to break this thing open. It's not like oh, yeah walk up and you have like an adjustable wrench
And you can fucking you can get through you have yeah, there's a Phillips head right you have one good hammer and you're all set
It takes them a good couple hours to fucking break through
Bust this thing open
And I mean, they're just using the home tools that they brought
So like an axe. Yeah
Seriously a hundred percent. It's just like they have whatever a wheelbarrow with a
handful of fucking random shit and they break this thing open and
They discover that
they discover so they go into like the top side of it and
They find this like steel metallic tube, but it's like this thing is it's like a big fucking tube
So much so that both of them have to carry it over to the we're wheelbarrow to get a home
This thing looks
Super expensive. Yeah, like they just busted open this machine and there's this
Real nice shiny steel tube. They're like fuck. Yeah, we're taking this so toss it in the wheelbarrow and they
Take it on home. Nice. Now. Yeah, just
half a kilometer
Local scrapyards gonna have a heyday and we're gonna make money with this. Oh, yeah, so they roll it into Rob's garage and
They just keep going girl Rob, you know fucking hammering chiseling
Using heat. I don't fucking know what they were doing using heat
Yeah, set out in the Sun for a couple hours microwave a couple times. Yeah
and they managed to finally break the tube open and
Inside is a capsule. That's about like it's like 10 inches long. I think
It's a like it's small for how big the other one was
Mm-hmm, and it's got this little fucking
Window on the in on the top side of it
So peek inside. Yeah, so you can kind of look inside but because of how it's angled down you can't really see what's in there
So it doesn't really provide any
Additional information it doesn't have like a part number. It doesn't have anything on it. So they're like, okay. Well, fuck it. We'll just
Tomorrow we'll take it over to the scrapyard. Maybe if we can't figure this thing out, so
Yeah, they they go to bed that night but just before they're going to bed both of them are kind of feeling like
They're like
Well, yeah, I mean they're working on this thing for like two three hours there and then
Three hours there and then they bring it back home and break it open there and they used heat. Yeah
Yeah, and they're probably not eating the greatest Brazilian cuisine. Yeah, if they're scrapping they're scrapping abandoned buildings, so
Yeah, they're both like oh god. I did not have a good fucking lunch. Probably didn't they probably skipped dinner. So
They're like we're just gonna fucking take it easy tonight. We'll continue this tomorrow
So Wagner Phil wakes up. He feels like
Shit like dude wakes up and he's just puking his fucking brains out
He feels constantly dizzy
But the biggest thing that has him fucked up is that his left hand is like the size of a fucking grapefruit
like this thing is super swollen and
On it. He has a burn that looks similar to the like on his palm. There's a burn
That looks similar to the pattern on that capsule and he's like it must have been we were trying to break it open
Maybe we like fucking because I
Oh, yeah, that's my guess is on that big blowtorch and then he grabbed it and just you know
They were so into it or whatever. I don't know. Yeah, so he's like I feel fucking terrible and he goes to the nearest insta care on
Tuesday he kind of caught he's like Monday. Fuck this. I'm not doing anything
He and Rob kind of take it easy. So Wagner goes
on Tuesday because he's not feeling any fucking better goes to the local insta care and
They're like dude, you're having a major food reaction. Did your wife get you? Oh a reaction. Yeah
An allergic foot an allergic reaction to some kind of food. We don't know what the fuck it was. Probably a cheesecake
It's definitely a cheese. Oh
Yeah, he tells Rob he's like dude. I don't know what the fuck we both ate
It's just a food allergy that we both have and Rob's like, okay
They both call into work and just take it easy for the rest of the week
The doctors just say like Papa Benadryl good luck. Yeah, pretty much just like yes
Yeah, rest up time as you stop puking. You'll kind of get back on your feet
so Friday hits and
Rob is kind of getting some cabin fever. So he's like whatever we're just gonna
I'll check out the capsule thing. We'll work this shit out
yeah, grabs a capsule takes it outside underneath his little tree and
He's just sitting in the sitting under the tree in the shade still feels a little dumpy
and he's just kind of like trying to wiggle off like the the window and his
Screwdriver ends up puncturing the little window. Okay, he got in. Yeah pokes a hole in now
I can drink whatever's in there right and as he takes his
Screwdriver out on the end of the screwdriver in the little like Phillips X. There's a bunch of like blue powder
So he's like, what the fuck so he puts the screwdriver down blue cocaine. Yeah, right. It's a it's Heisenberg math in 1987
so he runs inside grabs a spoon and he like
fucking shakes him out on the spoon grabs a lighter and he's like
I'm gonna see if this is on fire literally is like no his thought process is maybe this is a fucking gunpowder
So he takes a lighter to it. Yeah, I don't know
I don't fucking know what was in the water in 1987 in Brazil
But he's got this spoon of like home blue shiny dust takes a lighter to it. Nothing happens
I mean, he's like that's good. He could blow up. Okay. Well, yeah, I didn't fucking explode
so uh
He he calls up what Wagner and he's like, dude
I got I crack the code or I crack the screen my bad and
He's like it's got this blue powder in there. I don't know what the fuck this thing is, dude
I say we just sell it off like I think we'll make good money from it. We'll sell the scraps and everything
split the pot
Wagner agrees so
take it over to
a scrapyard owned by this guy named DeVere and
DeVere is checking it out and he notices like
Like he buys it from these guys. Yeah, and he's kind of like fiddling with it
He's like what the fuck leaves it out on the counter and before he's headed out from the day
He looks over at it. Just like one last check, you know
Yeah, what the fuck is that thing glances over to it and he sees that like there's light coming out of the little window
Light coming out of the window. Yeah, like he can see like a little bit of a glow. Oh in the window
That's that's something so he walks over to it and he's like like his his first two thoughts are
He's like this is either something expensive or
It has ghosts in it. It's definitely the ghost
Inside there it or haunted. Well, they're expensive ghosts
So he does what any sensible person would do when they see something expensive or haunted or both
He's like I gotta take this home and show all my fucking friends
so he grabs it throws it into his truck drives home and
Sorry, my voice is getting a little fucky. How dare you. And DeVere holds like a little neighborhood museum
exhibit and
Opens up his garage door and he's like
And opens up his garage door and he says hey everybody come in look at this really fucking fancy thing that I paid
Way too little of money for for what this thing's actually worth
Like there are probably gems inside this thing like who fucking knows
So I mean the whole fucking neighborhood is like in and out of his his garage looking at
Trying to figure out what the fuck it is. Yeah, like seeing if anyone in the neighborhoods like oh, yeah, this is uh, I like
The part that takes Marty from the future to the past and back to the future
Yeah, just needs
1.221 gigawatts
So yeah, he nobody has any idea they all look at it hand it around
No luck
This pretty much goes on for like the whole weekend
Friday Saturday Sunday, everybody's popping in some people are coming back and saying like yeah
That I can snort when when I look at it upside down well, he hasn't discovered the blue powder yet
it was just the other yeah, so, uh
nobody's able to figure this thing out and
Yeah, so Devere ends up like tipping it over and he gets like the full glass window out basically, right?
Okay, so they're making some progress
Yeah, and he pours out what looks like little blue rice granules
But as soon as they land like on the table or in his hand or whatever
They kind of just like immediately crumble into a powder
So like and it's got a pretty fucking good amount of it in there
so and it's like
shiny almost like glittery, so he takes it and
He kind of he goes well
I mean if we can't figure out what this fucking thing is, then I'll just sell it to the next scrapyard
But I'm gonna take this like blue powder around and give it to people to give a shit about this like
Yeah, like family this like hey, here's a there's this cool fucking makeup like put it on your face
Whatever tickets for like come and see it by now. He'd be making a lot of money
So like he ends up
Just taking a ton of it over to like his brother's place
To some friends place and he's like, yeah, I mean, I'm gonna get rid of this thing anyway
So here's some of the shit that was in there fucking whatever like enjoy yourself
Like paint up your faces and take a cool family photo. I don't know
Throw it in your enemies face and same thing kind of kind of like before he shows up and he's like
Hey, does anybody recognize what this powder is?
Same thing. No, everyone's like nope. No fucking idea never seen it before but it looks cool
He takes it over to his brother Evo
He takes it to Evo's place and Evo six-year-old daughter is like
This is the coolest fucking thing on the planet like think about when you were young and they're like, hey
Here's kinetic sand and you're like dude. What the fuck?
I'm gonna tell you right now when I was young a shark
And stick would do that to me. Yeah, it's like and now it's a powder that like makes it blue powder
Yeah glowing blue powder that's shimmery
So Evo's like yeah, no idea what it is daughter is like. Oh my god. This is a cool shit ever
Lydie I think was her name and
like Evo's pretty much like yeah, here you go fucking have at it and
Lydie plays around with it for a little bit gets it like all over the front room and everything
she's like like
glittery little avatar
And she ends up getting hungry makes herself a sandwich and
at that point
DeVere is like, oh, hey, see you guys later
He's on his way out
Lydie eats her sandwich Evo just watches his fucking dog
I have a grand old time with this shit. Yeah
DeVere's wife Gabriela
Starts kind of feeling a little bit sick. She's got she's like, you know, I feel like I have food poisoning wakes up
That bad peanut butter. Yeah, she's that's the peanut butter. He uses to fuck
You know what? It was she went to the same Italian place that uh, oh
That's it. It was all she got the cream sauce. Yeah, she's getting the bubblegut. So bubblegum from the cream sauce. She's
So Gabrielle is feeling a little
Icky and so she runs over to the clinic to get treated
DeVere ends up selling the capsule to another scrap yard. He's like, yo, I haven't been able to figure this shit out all weekend
Fuck it
Realizes that you can't get great value on it because nobody knows what the fuck it is
Yeah, so he can't sell it to like a specialist or anything. So just takes it to scrap yard sells it off
Yeah, sell it for weight and scrap fuck it. Yeah, who cares?
Somebody else's problem now now they can deal with it and figure out this shit
And the next couple of days go by really quickly for the community
And Gabriella kind of notices that everybody's getting the same sickness, which is the same one that uh,
Robin Wagner
Had where it's just this fucking food poisoning more or less. Yeah, it gets nausea some swelling
Yeah, food allergy. That's kind of what what the clinic told Gabriella
I'm thinking the the mechanic dude didn't wash his hands after shitting gave everybody
You know touched everybody had a bunch of people coming over. It was they all got like listeria
It was actually a homeless dude in part one that just shit all he used that machine as a toilet
Yeah, and that whole thing was just filled with oil
Yeah, and that whole thing was just filled with old shit and it's just getting around now that that machine is the milk of magnesium
It just has layers and layers of like really fine milk of all of it on it
Somebody melted down a bunch of sugar-free gummy bears. Yeah, right
That's why they couldn't get in it was a protective casing of sugar-free gummy game the shits man
Mm-hmm. So yeah, everybody's starting to get this fucking food poisoning clinics are telling them
Yeah, it's just it's some weird food allergy that's going on. Everybody's got it. You just stay in for a couple days. You'll be fine
But something isn't sitting right with Gabriella
uh, and
She's kind of like
you know
Everybody was fine and everybody that's everybody that's starting to go into the clinic with the same like symptoms that I had
They all handled that fucking blue stuff that blue meth that blue powder
They all they all fucked around with that little brazilian coke the little capsule
Uh, she's still got a couple like a little bit of the the blue powder sitting off to the side
So she snorts it. Yeah, she's fucking
In scrapes it into pretty much. Well like a grocery bag more or less
Uh, and she goes into the garage to find where her husband had like tinkered around chipped off pieces of the capsule
little pieces that fucking window puts those in the bag, too
and uh, yeah, she's like i'm gonna go to the clinic see if maybe
Maybe this is like some
Like weird preservative. I don't fucking know what the fuck this thing is. So she takes it to the clinic
The clinic looks at it and they're like, we don't know what that shit is. Take it to the health regulatory agency down the road
Going to the regulatory agency the health agency. She she's got to catch a couple buses like this is it's not just like oh
Right next door. She's got to catch a few buses hops on them rides it over
gets off at the uh
hra the agency and uh
yeah hops out drops off the fucking grocery bag stuff and uh
The health agency is like, okay, like this is definitely
The cause of it if all these people have been in contact with it
So they transfer everybody that's at the clinic over to the health regulatory agency
They're like we know that this is what like caused the problem everybody that's that's being transferred over. It's like yeah
I touched that stuff. Yeah, I touched that stuff. Yeah, I did so they're like, okay
We'll figure out what the fuck this is
uh in the next day, um
one of the doctors is doing an evaluation on these people and they notice all of these fucking lesions on one of the people and they're like
Uh, this isn't just a food allergy
This looks like radiation sickness and radiation. Wait, you're you're telling me you don't get burned from food allergies
so the dude's like
what the fuck and another person comes in and is like
like what's the stuff she brought in and walks over and kind of looks at like a couple of the parts a couple of little pieces of
The day they'd taken off and he's like and she had like i'm pretty sure she drew like a little thing of what the capsule looked like
And the dude's like yeah, this looks like it's from an x-ray machine
and yeah, so they call a physicist to
To test some material physicists is like i'll be there first thing tomorrow morning
Next day on the so then he after he's done touching it. He goes and makes himself peanut butter and jelly sand with
It starts to a little bit sick the next day
So, uh the physicist shows up the next day and he's swung by the uh, brazilian nuclear office and rents
The fuck is it called geiger counter? Uh, no, it's a
scintillation counter
Which is basically like I don't know all of the details on how it works
But it's basically like hey, it'll show off radiations in the area
So he goes and grabs his little scintillation counter
shows up at the at the uh regulatory agency and
He hops out of his car pulls out through the counter and he's like, okay, like let me just give it a once over
what's it's
Showing that it's fucking everywhere and he's like nice. Well, this thing's busted. So puts it back into his car
Let's not trust he's like he's like this one's this one's got to be decalibrated because he's not even inside the facility
He's like there's no way that this thing's already fucked up. So he gets another one from the brazilian nuclear offices
Drives back over hops out of his car takes it out
Same fucking thing and he's like
So that's a that's a big deal this entire
Fucking health agency
Is on contamination lockdown at this point
um, they evacuate everybody that hasn't had fully direct contact to this like
Grocery bag of radiation
The grocery bag of radiation is my doomsday device
right, so
Uh, they kind of start like backtracking. They're like, okay, what the fuck they got to trace it
They got to contact trace all of it. So the building that robin wagner got into uh is the old
Radiation institution where they would do yeah where they would do fucking cancer treatment
um now this is 1985 the machine well
They moved in 1985 they moved from that location where robin wagner went
And they went to their new facility and they brought the cobalt 60 teletherapy machine with them
However, they left behind the older model because they didn't have the license to run it anymore
This older model was a little bit different because you manually had to twist this thing
To like open or basically twist the capsule so that that window would fire radiation
straight down and
Hopefully destroy the cells hopefully hit where you want it to be. Yeah, but like that window is to expose the radiation. Yeah
And these two fucks busted that open like and they're like radiation window clink clink clink cool. It's open
so uh
Yeah fucking
guinea guinea radiation institution leaves leaves this old model behind
uh, it houses
a cesium 137 which is a radioactive blue
soluble salt like powder nice
So they were just fucking around with cesium. That's
That's phenomenal. Uh
Now over the course of these two fucking years from 1985 to 1987 when robin wagner show up
there's this real estate dispute where
Somebody's like I own the land and guinea radiation institutions like we own the building
And it's kind of like who the fuck like tears things down who clears things out
Who's your responsibility as well who can sell the land and profit off of it?
So it just kind of sits in this abandoned facility
Which like six months after they left it ended up fucking collapsing in a little bit
And so it looks just dumpy as shit. It's not like
Oh your your local
Destroy or like local abandoned hospital that was abandoned six years ago
Like this thing looked like shit. It looked like the place had been fucking bombed
Um, and like I said this kind of became a regular spot for people to just pop in and scrap stuff
Where they're ripping copper out of the walls. They're like
Taking fucking as much 12 gauge wire as they can to line through their own house
but they're leaving this big fucking x-ray machine alone because
They're like, oh that looks like it's probably dangerous except for robin fucking wagner. They know what they're doing
Robin fucking wagner. They don't know how to read danger radiation signs
so, uh
So the radiation institution, uh, it's the abandoned area now, uh, no, I'm still they were touching
Cesium with their hands like directly. Holy shit. Sorry. That's still like no dude is so bad
So i'm gonna get into uh, like let's see so the radiation
Institution, uh the abandoned one rob's house d'avere's house evo's house
Uh both scrap yards the clinic the health agency
14 cars seven more houses
And three buses are all listed as fully contaminated. Yeah, all of these spots are like hey
You don't fucking like nobody goes in
Nobody fucking goes out at this point because there's a chance you still have this shit on there's not a chance
It's still there. It's a powder like it's it's extremely fine and somebody's daughter has it in her system
Yeah, she ate a sandwich after eating this shit
And uh like a speck of this a dust amount of this is enough to release radiation just into the environment around you
It's bad news man
It's so bad
Like the response time. Let's just hope they didn't have shag carpet. Yeah, let's just hope that's never coming out either that or let's hope that they didn't have like uh
Like marble flooring or anything. Oh, yeah where they're like, oh, yeah, let me just mop this shit off the floor
And then dump it down the sewer like jesus. Yeah exactly like and it's not like you can just
Burn the houses down which then releases it into the atmosphere like
Holy shit that the cleanup must have taken forever
ever if there was even a cleanup, uh, no, there's a major response like
Brazil's nuclear agency gets word that this is happening and they're like there's fucking soluble
Cesium out in a major city like this is downtown guinea dude
So she went on how many buses to get there? Oh fuck. Yeah, so
The whole city is kind of like and again, she put it in a blasting bag in a smith's bag
I'd like to imagine at one point just before she walked into the uh
Just before she walked into the health regulatory agency
She opens the door and the air pressure blows the bag inside out and she's like picking up the pieces off the ground and putting them in
She's like just a nice breeze picks up and just
Uh, just blows it into a uh, uh fucking like
Tanker with fish like one of those open fish tankers. Oh gee, fuck that so
There's a there's an elementary school in session right across the street they have all the windows open they're doing a pool session
It's a carnival. There's a carnival outside. Yeah
A little little slip and slide
Slide through get your daily cesium amount
Uh micro dose it micro dose it
So the whole city basically goes into lockdown and they say
Come here if you have seen any of these side effects in the last like two weeks
Yeah, there's been time and you are all going to get cancer at this point
It's the 30th. These guys cracked this shit open like 17 days ago
Jesus Christ
So 115,000 people are tested
Uh or screen for radiation
250 have radiation sickness. I don't even know how many were like
Had contact. Yeah, um
129 of them have internal contamination
Which means that's how many fucking people yeah or like
Yeah, gets into their water supply. I can't see that shit
I can't see that shit. Yeah, they pick their nose and then yeah one fucking granule of that you're done for
Holy shit
Yeah, it was probably thousands who had contact had to have been easily so seven houses are torn down
and all of the remains are taken like 20 miles to the fucking west and dumped in this like
Condemned area where they ended up covering it with 30 meters of dirt. Yeah, that's all you can do
Yeah, yeah, exactly. You could just bury this shit like uh, 85 other homes are found contaminated
And they basically have to like what they would do is they would quarantine the home
All of these guys that are in their hazmat suits go in and they are scanning
Every single item in the home. Every fucking item is checked. Hey, at least you get your house cleaned, am I right?
anything that might have a little bit of like
Like it shows up on the fucking
They put it in like a bag a lead line bag and they're like cool fucking we'll send it to the the drop site
It's like hey Ted looks like all these panties have cesium on them
Gabriella gets home and all of her panties are gone. That's the only thing out of the drawer
They're like, yeah, you must uh, you must have had some on your hands and ruffled through your underwear drawer
Also your daughter's sock drawer for some reason
Yeah for some reason
So, uh, yeah 85 homes are listed as contaminated
Three, I think it was like three to five of them had to have their fucking roofs replaced
Um, and after the cleanup
There's I don't know how this shit is measured out. It's like
Seven i'm gonna call it like milligrams
It's a good amount of cesium
Is still completely unaccounted for they still have to this day. I have no fucking idea
Yeah, with how much it can just powder away into the air. You'll never find it. Yeah
So a little over a month goes by uh, and Devere's six-year-old niece
like uh, lightie
She dies in an isolated part of the agency
The staff didn't want to go near her because they were like she is fully fucking radioactive
Uh, she had lost all of her hair her kidneys and lungs had completely failed
Um, she was experiencing swelling across her entire upper body and she had internal bleeding. I fucking wonder why
Yeah, um, she was buried in a lead-lined coffin
2 000 people in the city
Protested the fact that she was being buried in a cemetery. They're like
You're going to poison this whole area. It's a lead-lined coffin. This is 1987 babies. They're like what the fuck?
So there's this protest at this six-year-old girl's fucking funeral. They tried to block the street with like
stone walls and shit that they just like they get stones and they're like
You're not getting in here and it's like just climb over the fence. Whatever. So yeah, they understand
Yeah, they end up burying this poor little girl
Uh the same day that lightie died
Gabriella died. Uh, she also experienced hair loss and internal bleeding but the main internal bleeding and swelling was in her arms and legs
Her eyes had also swollen up to the point where they're basically unusable and her digestive tract was completely fucked
She totally used that stuff as as anal lube. Yeah. No it got into the anal lube on accident
It's like hey baby, let's try this. Why don't I pull one of these up your pooper tonight?
Shouldn't have done it. Uh
So her cause of of death is listed as septicemia and generalized infection
I don't know what septicemia is septicemia. Yeah, it's like sepsis. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah, that makes sense
Eemia is like, uh
In the blood like oh, okay. Not enough. That makes sense. Yeah, so it's just
Generalized infection and everything. Yeah, so it's a systemic infection. I see just that makes sense gets through a whole like fucking blood system
Uh a couple days after gabriella died
Uh one of de ver's employees israel died of lymph lymph node failure
Lymph node failure. I've all right
um a couple days after that well his
He had fucked around with the lead lining
in the
Like chamber that those two dumb fucks busted open
so he
He's a more or less like
Lead lead poisoning lymph node failure a couple days after that another of de ver's workers admelson
He handled the capsule
Uh and helped israel. Um, and he died of lung and heart damage and internal bleeding as well
Uh, i bet they all had infections too on the way out like i'm sure like that
That's one of the first things that's affected when you're hit by radiation is your white blood cells
You can't make new ones. Yeah, because it's because it's just a massive massive like cell. Yeah, just
Like the reason it works more like as a cancer treatment is cancer is very fast replicating
Certain, you know chemo and certain types of radiation
target fast growing
Cells, which is why it kills off your hair. It damages your mucous membrane lining like your gums and stuff like that
Whereas the other cells are they just kind of hang out. It's those fast growing cells that it targets
Okay, so skin cells and everything get fucked up too. Well, they get fucked up. Is that why you get the burns and shit?
Yeah, you know if you're going going through chemo, you probably won't get the burn. It depends on your dosage and everything
It depends on if you look directly into the glass shielding. It depends if it's not supposed to be exposed and your hand melted off
uh, the crazy thing is
Because they like they weren't able to twist the capsule
facing like
the lead
casings hole
Nothing was exposed at the old guinier radiation institution
Like they realized yeah, there's no exposure here or anything. It was just when they got it back to rob's house
They probably twisted it. Yeah, they probably got it to a place where like
It was even further closed off and then yeah busted it open and it was just downhill from there
It's a beam of like oh it's a flashlight. That's crazy that a flashlight was in here. Wow
Wow, the batteries that wow, what is that six d batteries? It's
Goddamn, that's that's what everybody was trying to find. They were just trying to find the fucking d batteries. Yeah
Um, so the guinier radiation institution was eventually charged with criminal negligence
Yeah straight up and they were they ended up having to pay 1.3 million dollars in damages. It's not enough
No, not nearly not nearly enough. I'm pretty sure you're so you're telling me a six-year-old girl's life is worth less than 1.3 million dollars
And the three other fucking yeah, that's why I said less than yeah, and the seven homes that were fucking deemed
unlivable and destroyed hundreds of people who got body damage and will die from cancer the 85 other homes that were fucking destroyed and
Devere who inevitably slipped into depression got a drinking problem and died of cirrhosis five years later
I believe it. Yeah, like I'm sure that all those 1.4 million 1.3 totally covers all that shit. Uh
I there's another one that I'm planning on doing in the future that it's uh, I found this
Because of this other kid's story. I guess he found like some little plutonium
Like vile on his way home from school. I know that story put it in his pocket
And then put it in the cabinet
Yeah, and it fucking he died his mom died
Uh his grandma and his sister died his dad lived and the reason they think his dad lived
Is because they were like he was always out working
So he probably just didn't spend enough time in the home to be exposed. There was another one
Uh that I guess a capsule or something had gotten lodged in cement when they were pouring an apartment
That's and all of the people who lived in this fucking unit were dying of the same thing for like 15 fucking years
Wow gene took some geniuses the public until somebody was like figure that uh, something's going on in here, dude
It's haunted. It's a haunted apartment apartment. Oh my god. No, here's your your uh
Radiation hazmat safety tip of the day time distance shielding
To you know, if if the dose is low, but you're in it for a long time
It'll get you if it's high. It only takes a little bit of time
So get out of there quick. No matter what it is distance
Radiation only travels a specific distance
as it's kind of
As its ion essentially if it gets attached to the dust and the dirt and shit like that
I'll go further then it stays in the ground. It can be brought up. It can be pushed on the wind much further
But in general just at an exposure event
It there's a limited distance where it'll travel and then shielding like I think it's alpha rays
Rays, I could be completely right. Yeah, pretty sure it's alpha rays can't even make it through a sheet of paper
Like the average sheet of paper, okay, but gamma rays can go through like fucking everything
Like a couple inches of lead like Jesus
It can go through a lot. I think
Just in general you need if you're making like a brick and concrete like a cinder block and concrete bunker if you're
wanting to avoid
Radiation it's got to be like three feet thick jeez or have a shitload of dirt on lead
No, no of the oh just a concrete and break. Okay
Yeah, no, no lead lead is pretty good at it. All the the usable radiation that we have is lead stops most of it. Okay
There's your there's your fucking time distance shielding. Just remember that distance shielding. Yeah, crazy crazy shit. So yeah
There you go. That's uh the guinea
Incident that is not how I thought it would be pronounced
Yeah, it took I I did Google how to find out I was pronounced nice. Here we are
Yeah, goddamn patreon fantastic. So become an amateur building scrapper today. Yeah. Oh do I have patreon?
Fine we can burn some time. Yeah, so
If you subscribe to us on patreon you can get one exclusive per month
We have a handful of like sloppy seconds episodes on there
We have a video that shows where we're recording. It's a nice little look into the studio AJ is
working on a
series called voices
That he is doing survivors of the Holocaust
And kind of breaks down there their experiences edits the videos down
Puts them up so that you guys don't have to sit through hours and hours of footage
Check it out. If you can afford it. It's like 420 per month. We have a couple tiers on there 420 666
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Tell your friends also very important. Yeah, pass us along everywhere. And for those of you that are new and just finding us
We got a big old backlog. Yeah
We should we should have said that at the beginning. Yeah, we should yeah, that's okay. We'll figure it out
We'll figure out how to do this. We'll get this fucking podcast thing down eventually
Yeah, it may have been like almost four years now, but no, no, we're getting there. It's fine
All right. So of course the the board of course, they make all the decisions
They they greenlit this project. Yeah, they blew sorry blue lit. They blew it this project. So it's glowing blue
Oh, yeah, they blew it. There you go
So, of course mini D Nordic Thunder and Toddle wattle, thank you guys for you know
You make up the bulk of bulk of our subscriptions and yeah, you guys are fucking amazing. Thank you so much
And then of course, we've got Abby AJ's third nut
Thomas dark runner D's nuts and Lara. Oh, thank you guys so much for you know, supporting us and you know, keeping us going
Yeah, it's been almost four years like you guys are fucking fantastic. It's crazy shit
I don't think I've ever done anything for four years before I'm not even being married
No, you you will always have done your podcast for longer than I've been married, which means the podcast is the priority. I
Know my wife. It's okay. She turns it off by now. It's out by this point
Yeah, it's okay, but she's gonna tune back in with our new
outro music
And as usual if you guys ever have any show
Ideas you have suggestions for movie TV shows
fucking books
Music an article that you're like, hey check this shit out. Don't do an episode on it
But here's a really short crazy interesting thing by all means send it to us at
Our Instagram at points. Oh pressure and feel free to email us
PPD na j at and we will catch you guys next Monday