Dee begins a new series about Yugoslavia's rat problem.
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Dee begins a new series about Yugoslavia's rat problem.
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I don't got time to mark this motherfucker. Here we go again. We can't hear anybody. Nobody can talk to anybody
You guessed it pressure points with your two favorite hosts on D and this is taco boy AJ
We're coming at you with season 6 episode 8 the butchers of Bosnia
Introduction episode we're in the spick and span studio
So strap in and find us on Instagram at points. Oh pressure kid ready
Well turn the fucking thing off you dumbass
See I thought you were gonna go for a taco muncher AJ, but that's what I was hoping you well initially
I had clean laundry AJ
Cuz that's the first time
No, just yeah for the first time the first time I started nursing school next to the washing machine. Hell. Yeah
See I was watching my favorite podcast that I'm not gonna name off and pressure points besides pressure points and
They always eat in the microphone. So I thought you guys would like that. I'm not gonna do that
But I am gonna be eating. Oh, no
Okay, no worries. How was your week? Oh?
God this week
I I don't remember go by pretty quick. I guess it yeah went by really quick
It was weird because it was the end. It's it's
Kind of midterms, you know, it's the eight-week mark and we do 16-week semesters, but some of the classes only go for eight weeks
Okay, so one of them just ended so midterm slash intern. Yeah, so
Half and half I passed my maternal newborn which we talked about last week and then we're starting peds
I got a study for that test got a clinical tomorrow
Oh at a long-term care facility for pediatric patients, so that's gonna be fun
So that class ended it was one of like
Informatics or whatever one of those just to get the bachelor degree classes
And I took a gamble I
Did so there were two very large assignments each worth 20% of the grade
One was four weeks ago. It was a PowerPoint aced it
I only lost like six points out of 215
Oh, and then I did a paper that I turned in then that was kind of like the end-of-term assignment and
And then you have to do discussion posts and they're kind of like attendance
But if you do other things those count as attendance, it's kind of like a filler. Okay
the last one
So the last week I did not do like you're supposed to write a post and then reply to other people didn't reply to anybody
So I got like 50% on that grade
I was like it really is like every time you told me about that
I'm like so fucking dumb the whole thing comes from studies about how
Learning is better when you're discussing it with other people and the only way to facilitate that
Apparently engaging apparently. Yeah, but it isn't because it's
Dumbest shit that I don't ever think about and none of the conversations are genuine and go beyond one reply
But so the last week the only assignment is that discussion?
And I'm sitting here and I'm looking through and it ends on Wednesday the class
So on on Sunday look through my paper wasn't graded yet. And I was like if I do like really bad on this paper
I'll have to do this discussion post
Paper hasn't been graded Tuesday paper hasn't been great. Oh Wednesday morning paper hasn't been graded and I say fuck it
I'm not gonna do the dumbass discussion post. Yeah, this is like discuss two things that you learned in this course
And how they impact nursing as a whole I'm like goddamn I know about this topic because I had to go through this class
But I don't need to outline it to you. Yeah, this is so stupid
So I don't do it
I get the grade on Thursday after the classes ended and I lost like five points out of another 260 or something. So
Oh, yeah passed fuck that class. Look you're stupid stupid teaching styles
Yeah, and then yeah got another test this week. We'll see you got it if I'm going to pass this mental health class
Has nothing to do with the content. I know I'm I'm I'm good at it, but
let's just say some of the
Leading figures in this class are more the subject of the class than teaching it. Oh fuck really
Spill that tea AJ. Well, I don't know. I know some of my classmates listen to this actually but
But let's just say someone whose official title starts with professor is a little
Little little artistic artistic
Artistic artistic. Yeah, we did do arts and crafts for anxiety day. It's autistic for mental
So it's been fun, how's your week been? Oh, it's been really good. I
have officially
cracked the case on
How to get away with doing
My work at the start of my shift and nothing for the rest of my show. Yeah, so it's been it's been good
I don't think I should continue doing it. It's my paranoia talking. It's like stop it. They're gonna catch you
You got a good thing going don't fuck this up. So we'll see we'll keep gauging it but
I got like a huge
Congratulations email that was like George you're fucking killing it. Your quality is so good. I'm like, bro
I'm not doing anything for six hours of my day
Dude my oh, it's been it's been good. So because of school I have to do a regular full shift on Saturday as well and
On the Saturday shift for the first months for the first four hours I do stuff
And then so how my my work is tracked is we close out these activities that we do when we've completed them
so I'll do like
Half of my daily quota just immediately and close them out then I'll do the other half
Complete them, but I won't close them
That's what I do and then and then at the end of the day ten minutes before I clock out
I go and I close all of them at once and my excuses. Oh, well, I track it
I keep track of what I'm doing
But you know, I don't I don't want to break the flow and stop and it helps with my mental health
It helps me track it being able to click complete complete. Yeah. Yeah complete helps me feel like my day is completed is done
And I can transition into my regular
Oh life after this you got to remind me
To tell you about my new dead co-worker. Oh
You don't want to talk about I don't I think it's a little a little too sensitive and kind of
Kind of dumpy. Okay. Okay. I'll talk about it. No. No, how about this? How about this? We'll be right back
You weren't lying that's
That's that that's a dead co-worker right there
All right, so uh to lead into this episode I
Obviously this is connected to
Yugoslavia's really fucking bad breakup episode from
season 5
I've wanted to talk about the butchers of Bosnia
Mind you initially I called him the beast of Bosnia in that episode
Rada van
Cratchits Cratchits red boy crotchet. Yeah, I had boy crotchets
talked about him very very briefly
But this isn't it's not gonna be a really like big exciting crazy moment episode
strictly because I
Plan on this being about a five-part series. Yeah, this is we're pouring the concrete the foundation
Yeah, like I
Talked like we had talked about before
the episode on
Yugoslavia in the
Yugoslavian Civil War the genocide
Everything that happened. I kind of like it was informative and it was really I I thought I put it out very very well
But there was so much detail that didn't go into it
there are events that are
Monumental to history in the 90s
And what Serbians went through what?
Bosnian Muslims went through what?
Croatians went through it like it's
It is fucking huge and the in the US education
System does not touch it. Yeah in like a four-year time span
Things got fucking crazy over there. And I mean even after it's it's carried over for 30 years now
Where there's still
Bosniak Muslims who are like yeah, I fear for my life from Serbians in
In Yugoslavia and it's it's fucking crazy. So I sat down today
I was like I'm gonna do the episode
and I started with
Ratko and
I got to like the first big event and
Just went to the Wikipedia just so I could like grace over it and it was like
It's sections long. I was like, okay
How else do I want to do this because originally I'd like written out like a little outline
for him I was like, okay, he took part in this and this and this and
Here's like a quote of somebody that went back to
One of the sites after like I watched a little 30-minute BBC documentary on it
I went all in dang and I realized that like
It's so much fucking like it's so much bigger and so much more important than just one episode can handle
The way that I explained it to AJ
is that me talking about
Ratko and Radovan rat boy and rat boy. Yeah rat and rad
Talking about them and their involvement in the Yugoslavian crisis
in one episode
Would basically be like me sitting down and being like, okay
So there were these two guys Hitler and Himmler which it's odd that they have similar names and these two have similar names
it's odd that they have similar names and these two have similar names interestingly enough, uh,
the the
Consistencies and like like the synchronicities in this are actually pretty funny
when we get to them, uh
but I was like
You can't just do one fucking episode of their involvement in World War two
No, there's so much more. That's basically half our podcast is yeah
Yeah, every other episode is on those two like every AJ episode just about
become a
Jewish genocide podcast and
Bosnian Muslim Croatian genocide podcast. That's what we've become. That's really it
we cover we cover from 1937 to 1945 in
1991 to 1995
The two main dates, uh, but yeah, so it's huge and if you don't like this subject
Probably skip the next episode in a couple weeks, I guess. Um, well we're in on yeah, I'm doing
Like it's not gonna be like my regular two-parters where it was the very next episode
Follows this up perfectly. It's going to be AJ will do his thing and then I'll do the next episode on this and then
AJ will do his thing and then maybe I'll skip a week and I'll talk about a fucking random heist
I'll get back to it, but this will be a
pretty long
Fucking series series of episodes and it's all
fucking crazy content
So bear with me. Like I said this first one. It's gonna be it's gonna be a little bit boring. It's just
Backgrounds really but it'll be interesting
In 1945, I'm gonna start with a Radovan
Yeah, I know he was born he was yeah on the eve at the moment Hitler killed himself
He was born
1945 in the Republic of Montenegro in Yugoslavia
Radovan was born and he was born. Yeah. Yeah, he was 100%
Okay, so he yeah Hitler's spirit
Manifested this into this baby mind you he was born
He and ratko were both born
into a
Nazi occupied
Croatia Montenegro. I shit you not what a time to be I'll talk about it later, but yeah, that makes sense
Yeah, they would be yeah. So I
Radovan's father was a cobbler and his mother was a peasant. No, wait, is that a job?
My favorite was that's what it listed on the wiki was it was like his dad was a cobbler mother was a peasant
Okay, whatever. I had to throw it in there. So
God that's like you go to a Bex Wikipedia page and his father was an actor and mother was homeless
God sometimes that website has some weird shit. I love it. So
He grew up pretty much well fatherless
for the very early
Part of his wife's no his so Papa had actually been a rat. Yeah, Papa rat
Had been arrested by the post-world war communists
For being a part of the Yugoslavian army, which was working under a government which had been exiled which was
The Italian fascists who had basically taken over
Croatia, Montenegro most of Yugoslavia in 1945 during World War two
I think I talked about it a little bit in the last episode
Yugoslavia was separated
And then in 1945 they all came back together for to become Yugoslavia and then like I had said in 1992 was when
Basically all of the countries Croatia, Yugoslavia
Bosnia or not. Sorry Croatia
fucking Republican Montenegro Bosnia of
Herzegovina or Herzegovina
Serbia all ended up separating. Yeah, they split up. Yeah
So it's funny that like within 50 years. They were like, oh, yeah, we're gonna go back to what the Nazis originally wanted
Which is us to be separated
And surprisingly for pretty much all the same fucking reason
surprisingly for pretty much all the same fucking reason
Yeah, like I said his dad had been arrested for working
Under like working with the government that was fascist and the communists were like go to fucking jail
That that that seems very fascist of them. I'm just gonna
Gonna say
Radovan ended up like I said, he grew up pretty much well without a dad
I think he had a couple siblings his mom raised him
She was kind of didn't really bring in a lot of money for some reason with her profession
A bit of a peasant. Yeah, what I would call a fucking peasant
Surprisingly enough Radovan ended up studying
psychiatry at the University of Sarajevo in
1960 which is big for someone who grew up without a lot of opportunity. Yeah
dude grew up in a very
rough situation
What you mean?
No, no, that's that's fine. That's a that's what like Chicago now. Yeah. Yeah, I think so
Now next right here. This is my favorite synchronicity with with Hitler and World War two
He is a self-proclaimed poet though. He was never successful
with his poetry attempts
He claimed he was related to Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic
who was responsible for modernizing the Serbian language and ended up translating and
Transcribing Serbian folktales and most importantly the New Testament into Serbian so that
Serbians could just be the happiest little Christians reading in their own language. But yeah, so another failed artist. Yeah, he'll fucking artist
now Vuk Stefanovic was actually well known for his role in the
1829 book the Serbian Revolution where he gave his account of the events of
basically seeking their independence and breaking away from
Muslim rule it's fucking crazy and I I hate it because
It is very very very easy to shit all over the Serbians and I know in the other episodes we did
We were like, oh, yeah, fuck Serbians Serbians have also been through a lot of shit. Oh, yeah
No, that's always the case. But yeah, we also like as a as a blanket statement. Yes
Not fuck all Serbians. There were a lot that really did stand up against everything that was going on but
you had Serbian nationalists that were drowning out the voices of the
Yeah, it's obviously yeah
Fuck the Nazis but you also have to acknowledge that there were members of the Nazi Party who smuggled Jews out of the country
Like yeah, I'm gonna say most of them didn't so that's why I can say fuck the Nazis
But they're you know, there's always going to be this it will be fuck Nazi or fuck fuck Nazis and Serbians
Though I recognize period that serbians now are a very different group of people. There are still some stuck in their ways
Serbia is a hundred percent different
It's a much better place than it was in the early 90s early 90s. Not a travel hotspot
2020s still probably not a very hot travel hotspot
Yeah, like I said he he touted being related to this this very like famous vilified
Historian and it was later disputed and everyone was like, okay. Yeah, this guy's just full of shit
Now prior to all of his involvement in politics
He he actually went on record
And this is this is one of his nice little poetic moments. Oh, he went on record saying
Bolshevism is bad, but nationalism is even worse
Strong words coming from a future nationalist
I mean, I mean he's not wrong
But he's a bit of a hip, but he kind of went he leaned towards the worst side of that statement
Well, yeah part so
He skips out on his mandatory military service. No this guy's a coward. Yeah, I know he's he fucking
He didn't even know
He didn't go to Vietnam, right? That that's as bad as a as a young German man who?
Tried to get out of military service by just playing the supply lines out back and saying oh I got gassed
When he'd like fucking slightly inhaled some chlorine, maybe so I do that every time I try to clear the drain
upstairs of my wife's hair I
Get a little bit at Drano and you're like, yeah, I know exactly
Sorry, I can't I can't occupy Afghanistan this weekend
Eventually he ends up heading over and he goes to Columbia
Columbia University in New York City in 19th or in New York
Sorry in 1975 and he had been studying brain neurotic disorders and depression for about five years
Oh point that's good
uh, he gets back to Sarajevo comes on home and
He starts working at the Sarajevo Hospital
He's working with all these neurotic. Yeah mental health histories and stuff
Yeah, so he's working in the treatment center at their psychiatric clinic. Oh at the psychiatric clinic. Yeah
Yeah, are you sure he wasn't a patient there and they just said he was working?
It's just part of part of his history this in his words. He said he was working at the treatment clinic
No, so he worked at the treatment centers psychiatric clinic and during his time there
Obviously, he's making okay money. I mean, it's not phenomenal, but this is also mental health in the 1970s
Oh, so he's not making great fun. Yeah, and he's not researching LSD. So
To bolster his to bolster his income he actually starts moonlighting
Yeah, he starts falsifying psych evaluations and medical records now wait somebody's paying him to do this. Yes
You might you might be asking yourself who the fuck would pay
for a
Crooked psyche wait. Wait, so is he clearing people who shouldn't be cleared or is he making people seem?
Messed up both. Oh nice. So
He either had co-workers or people in the health industry
Health care workers that would come to him seeking early retirement and they would be like, hey
I just need you to put down that I'm slipping and he's like, okay cool. Yeah
Hell yeah, 500 bucks. Whatever. That's my fee or
He would work with criminals that were trying to plead insanity
We're on trial
What you know what what an ethical guy? Yeah, you know what an ethical fucking poet, you know
Yeah, real stand-up poet. So he eventually moves into a different hospital probably because he was pushed out of
Yeah, he got caught in
1983 in the suburbs
Ends up meeting up with this guy who was
Like the owner of a mining company and together they both I don't know how the fuck they work
Their last name was musk, right? Yeah, right. So
They end up working together. They get a like huge fucking loan from the like
Bolshevik fucking
Agriculture company more or less like the Yugoslavian like the State Department agriculture company not company State Department of Agriculture
Gives them this big fucking loan. I don't know what it was for
But both of these guys are like, okay, cool
We're gonna go build homes in this ski resort town
And so they did and they just fucking took this money put it there. That doesn't seem very agriculture
No, no, not so much. And that's why a year later
He and his buddy were arrested for fraud. Yeah, no, so my guess is that he convinced the mining guy
To apply for the loan and then he's like, yeah
Just give me like 50 50 because it was my idea to get the loan and we'll say that it's for building a
Psychiatric business, I don't know maybe like land reclamation for agricultural use
Post mining like that's always that's always a if that's always the scheme is if you own a mine and you're getting an act
then you are reclaiming and
Rehabbing the land around the mine to be used for agricultural purposes dude governments love that
That's my guess is make some look that has to be it's gotta be something like that. I mean you see 80s
It's the fucking prime time for schemes. Yeah, it really is. So we missed out. We really did we could have been millionaires
For about 15 years. Yeah
For five ten years. Oh, we'd be living my DB Cooper it
Jump out of an airplane and then die. Of course in the wilderness somewhere. Uh
So yeah, they they both get arrested for fraud and they serve
Just about a year in prison
Until one of their rich friends comes and bails them out
After the trial one of the rich friends who got an early retirement because he fudged his psych papers
Yeah, one of their rich friends who had access to the fucking agriculture
They had access to the real estate money from creating the ski town
yeah a
Year later, like I said, he gets bailed out and after the trial Radovan well during the trial
he gets charged with embezzlement and fraud and
It's listed to serve three years
But he avoids the prison time. Let me guess psych evaluation came back. No damn
I wish he avoids the prison time because they say well he already served a year
So they're like whatever like I served. Yeah. Yeah time served and it should have been two more years
Or it should have been three years after but yeah because he wasn't able to post bail right away
They were like, ah, whatever that'll work. You're you're 11 months served will work
This is my favorite part of the whole thing
shortly after being charged with embezzlement and
He is convinced to start his political career
by a friend who later became the
Yugoslavian president
Hell yeah, like within a year that dude becomes Yugoslavian president and he's like hey
I know that you have these really strange charges
But I have just a career opportunity for you because all of us have those same charges on our back
Yeah, hey, I've got a great club that you just joined you you scheme the agricultural department out of
Tons of money, but I had a fucking load of this check this out. You're one of us now
Jesus Christ, we all have the same fucking resume and none of us serve time either. Hell. Yeah, so yeah
he he fucking ends his political starts rolling on into a
To democracy. Well, no, he rolls into democracy democracy at this point. Wasn't it a communist?
It is at this point. It's it's
The post-communist. Yeah, so it's post-communist in like the 90s. Yeah, it's moving towards
Each one being an independent splitting democratic unit the big breakup. Yeah. Yeah, so
He puts together the
Serb Democratic Party
I'm gonna call it the SDS from this point forward because safety data sheet. Yeah. Yeah, right
It's basically like in in
Serbian its
Party starts with an S. I don't know the fucking word
I'm not gonna try to say the words, but SDS is the Serbian Democratic Party, so
In 1989 is when they put it all together and their focus is on
Bosnian Serbs and
Croatian Serbs sticking together if
Yugoslavia decides to fall apart because
It's the late 80s. We're like two years away from everybody pushing to split
like there's talks
Everywhere of this shit like it didn't happen all at once. Yeah, like it did but yeah, it feels like it doesn't retrospect but
Definitely not. Well, yeah, it's the whole idea that
That's such a common thing when you're learning about history before you really get into it
It's like oh and then the Nazis invaded Poland. Yeah
Oh, and then and then missiles where they're building missile silos in Cuba like yeah, it happened all at once
No, it took a decade
Yeah, if not more to get there like we've done some of those episodes
I've done a couple where it's like we start off in the early 1800s
Previous and then we get no I did one on on the protocols of the others of Zion that started in like 1702
That went all the way into no it went into current day. It's crazy shit
So I love looking at history from that perspective where it's not all at once
It took a long time and a lot of conversations to get there
Yeah, cuz Yugoslavia like if you were to look at
Like if you were to look at
how similar
The white nationalists in the u.s. Are handling things
think about where things were
seven years ago like
2016 before the elections think about where everyone is
Seven years later where we are now where white nationalism is now
And where quite they're pushing they're now talking about oh, it's the seating from the fucking union
And it's like it's the it's more the the emboldened mint of their actions like the the actual small acts of terrorism that are happening now
Where people are emboldened to go shoot up a school or a shopping center or just you know targeting electrical infrastructure?
Yeah, it's crazy how far it's advanced just in that short amount of time
Yeah, and I mean when if you were to look at it just in an article that was like, oh, hey
Uh 2016 to 2023 it would look like a handful of bullet points
That would look like everything happened really fucking quickly. Yeah, that was all advanced when in reality
It starts it's gone on for at least a long time. Yeah, if not earlier
Yeah, like like these are things that take time. Not everyone goes. Hey
Fuck, Yugoslavia. We're serbians and
Apparently we've always wanted to be doing our own thing. Yeah, it doesn't happen all at once
Just today we decided to like it takes a fucking while
Yeah, 1989 they put everything together more or less for like
We're we're standing up and we're we're the serbian party
Like we're here for the serbians who don't have a voice even though they have a voice and they're the reason why everyone else wants to
secede from fucking Yugoslavia
uh in 1991
They created a serbian assembly which attempts to bring all serbians together
It's not just the ones in uh, bosnia and croatia. It's every single serbian
in all of Yugoslavia
Initially it was yet like these two three different places want to secede
And serbia kind of takes like a major part. And so yeah if we can rally serbians in bosnia
And uh, here's a govna govna god damn it. I fucking hate it. It is so tough and croatia
Then yeah, you if you're able to embolden these people get them fired up
Then when everything does secede you have more power in those areas
Because of how you plan three years ahead. Yeah
uh, yeah, they they
Basically rally all the serbians together and they say when this vote comes
Uh, we're gonna vote in favor
Of keeping yugoslavia together because together all of these serbians have way more power than if everything split up
Ultimately, they're just they're doing their best to silence
the muslim bosniaks and
bosniaks and croatians that's their main goal is
Getting all these people to shut the fuck up
Croatia because of what happened during world war two the big reason and I I didn't know this in the previous episode
but the big reason
serbians and croatians had
such problems
Was because of all of the fucking genocide that was going on against serbians
in croatia during world war two and so many croatians that were just
more or less bystanders
Yeah, you're like
I guess like world war two. I'm not gonna stand up to fucking occupy like nazis that are occupying
Yeah, you stand up you get shot. Yeah, you're next like so there's a lot of a lot of animosity
Between those two which is why it's still within his uh recent history like it's in memory. Yeah. Yeah, it's very fresh
I mean there are people that are fucking voting in this election
Or that are voting to keep ugoslavia together
That were in those fucking camps that their parents were murdered right in front of their eyes
Like that was less than 50 years ago at this point
It's very very fresh on people's minds and serbians have a lot of anger towards it
Uh, which I had no fucking idea. I I was reading and I was like wait, what the fuck?
Yeah, yeah founding was like holy shit. Okay
So this is like uh, this is like a little prequel to the last episode
So if you want to pop back to the last one
Finish this one out and then go back and find out how many things I fucked up
Uh, so
Yeah, they all vote in favor of keeping ugoslavia together. However
Because they're not getting all of the serbians
Radicalized and they're not all these serbian nationalists. You still have people that are like no, I think that
The muslim bosnians should have
Their own voice. I think that the croatians should be able to do their own things. I vote for
So it fails
Yugoslavia begins setting everything up for for
border lines and
splitting up and uh as soon as it's announced that they're failed
Uh shadow government is made by the sds. Nice in
In a referendum dude, that's always a sign of a good healthy government is a shadow government underneath
That is controlled by one party. Yeah, so good
It was actually a referendum that was found
in like
somebody managed to find it and
It is titled for the organization and activity of the serbian people in the bosnia
here's a govina and extraordinary circumstances
What a fucking title what a name i'm sure in serbia and it's just like two words. Yeah, it's probably awesome
The focus of this is
to use more or less the yugoslavian people's army
As protection while they coordinate an entire takeover
At one of the many like shadow crisis has happened
Of the many like shadow crisis headquarters that they've created at this point
um and
in january 1992
The uh, let's see the sds writes up the constitution of the republic of the serbian people of bosnia
And here's a govina and I really need to stop putting that in this fucking in my notes
Um, we need a short version learn learn b and h learn serbian bosnia and h
And h no no
Uh b and h so
Get our new podcast b and h
So in 1992 yeah, they they get their constitution rid of b and hj b and hj. That's the one
That's the fucking pressure points with b and hj
Okay, god it's b and h all over at j
Fuck you god. Well, we fucked up the logo. No, we're rebranding. We're rebranding. Yeah
So yeah, they they put their constitution together and in it
It more or less takes over all of the serbian autonomous areas as well as croatia
uh where
The serbians are basically considered the minority due to the genocide against them in world war ii
this constitution
over the serbian
Ties in all of these other people so more or less
It puts it so that they have rights in croatia
It puts them so they have rights in serbia and in bosnia
All over because they're under the sds. They're representing
Serbian that's kind of a weird set. I know
But it's so that they still have control in every fucking area is their attempt
and a lot of people of
All of these different ethnic backgrounds get together and speak out against this referendum
serbians included like
Like half of the people that are like no this isn't fucking okay
Hey, yeah
And because I mean you're more or less looping in other countries on being able to speak over
What you're seceding against like it's fucking bonkers
So it's not universally loved
at all
um and
Regardless three months later bosnia and uh, here's a govina nice become independent and they're recognized as such by europe and the u.s
um radavan becomes a president due to his involvement in the creation of the sds
And he's immediately
Put into presidential power
Hell, yeah, that's the democratic way
Uh placed into power place placed directly in and he's did they call him the high chancellor by any chance, right?
The emperor yeah
Radavan uh, and because of how things are outlined in their constitution
He immediately has power over the army
Which they've been fucking setting up for years at this. Yeah, that was always the plan
Yeah, so he begins working very closely with a man. I've talked about before
Or ratko lotich so radavan and ratko radavan and ratko. It sounds like a disney movie in fucking serbia
It's a 90s disney movie
So ratko is the major general over the yugoslavian people's army. He's a big bitch. He's a big bitch
So ratko we're gonna go over his little background. He was born in 1942 in bosnia
Uh, and he grew up also without a father his dad died in world war ii in 1999
1995 in
during the italian and nazi occupation of croatia
His father was
arrested and killed
In a in an attempt an assassination attempt and plan to overthrow the fascist state leader. So
Ratko's dad was a fucking like hardcore rebel to the nazis. He's like, oh go fuck yourself fascist
Hell yeah, and ratko learned absolutely fucking he learned nothing from his father from his father's example fucking nothing
Well, he wasn't there to teach him to not be a piece of shit fascist. Yeah
So ratko starts his military career at 18. He moves into an officer's academy shortly after
Which is fast as fuck like it's it's not like oh, you know
He he hops into the military and two years later. He's in this officer's academy. It's within like fucking months
He pops in and he shows
Huge promise and so they're like, yeah put him in the officer's academy. Fuck. Yeah
Uh get this man a job. He joins the yugoslavian people's army at 16 in
as a fucking commander like damn the dude comes out the gate swinging and
Uh, he's the youngest man in his unit and he's over everyone in his unit
Uh, he becomes a second lieutenant three years later. He finished uh, first place
in let's see in his class
with like
Basically perfect scores damn um and so
He just goes on a fast track to
General at that point in 1986 becomes colonel five years later deputy commander and then like months after becoming deputy commander
Bosnia gets its independence
He becomes major general
tomorrow ratka and radovan in 1992 dream team
Yeah, they put all of their focus into the serbian takeover
both of them, it's
Like I said at the start both of them are synonymous with the title butchers of bosnia
Because of their role in every fucking thing that they did
And every decision they made in the yugoslavian crisis
This is fantastic.
Fucking bonkers.
Dude, the butchers of Bosnia reminds me
of the bitch of Buchenwald.
Yeah, I know.
So much.
Every time you say it, I think you're
going to say the bitch of Buchenwald.
She was also the butcher of Buchenwald,
but it's not as good as the bitch of Buchenwald.
So like I said, I plan on having the next episode that I do
on this will be about Sarajevo.
Because that's kind of the ground floor
with everything that happens.
That's like right as everything happens in 1991 and 1992,
Sarajevo is just completely fucked right off the bat.
So I'll be talking about that one in a couple of weeks.
But yeah, fucking Yugoslavia and the area within all
those countries went through some fucking shit, man.
Yeah, it's a roller coaster.
I'm excited to talk about it, but I'm also not
going to overload you guys.
The next one will be a lot.
So I might take a break after the next one,
do something kind of easy peasy, and then we'll get back into it.
And then I do plan on doing one of the episodes on Patreon
for our exclusive for March.
So if you are interested in hearing,
it won't be like a monumental episode.
It'll just be some bullshit that happened
that kind of accentuates what Serbians were doing at the time.
By all means, subscribe on Patreon.
You've got those names pulled up.
I'll do the thing while you're pulling up the names. forward slash points o pressure.
I just realized I was talking away from my microphone.
We've got an exclusive episode, one exclusive episode per month
that we've been releasing.
And that's even during our breaks.
So if you miss us during December and June,
then here's a way to get an extra episode out
of us during those breaks between season and mid-season.
AJ has a series of voices up there.
We have a bunch of sloppy seconds episodes, like 20 plus.
And we have some more plans for that.
If you can afford it, kick ass.
If you cannot, then just listen.
Don't feel obligated.
We still love and appreciate you guys for fucking being here
and putting up with our tomfoolery.
All right, so we've got the board here,
the chair people of the PP.
We've got Mini D, Nordic Thunder, Toddle Waddle,
and Weston.
So they're the big guys.
Hot damn daily.
Thank you.
They're the big ones up top.
And then, of course, we've got Abby, AJ's third nut, Thomas,
Dark Runner, Dee's Nuts, and Laura Rovo.
Also, if you're going to join the Patreon,
make sure you put your address and your shirt size in there.
It'll ask you, but make sure you do that.
Some of the lower tiers don't have shirt size,
but regardless.
Make sure the address is in there.
That one's very important.
Just make sure your address is in there.
We send some stuff out.
And if you haven't gotten anything, I'm sorry.
I don't know what the fuck's going on with it.
No complaints yet, though.
Yeah, nothing yet.
So stick around.
Tell people about it.
What's the next part?
It's me.
Oh, yeah, it is your thing.
So as always, if you guys ever have show ideas
or you want to just chat about a fucking kick-ass movie you
just saw.
So I mean, any recommendations whatsoever, music, movies,
TV shows, books, articles, show ideas, recipes,
whatever the fuck you've got.
If you have something that you want to share with us,
by all means, send it to us at Instagram at pointsoppressure.
And same with the email, PPDNAJ.
If you need somebody to talk to, reach out there.
We'll catch you guys next Monday.